Frequently Asked Questions

Your Tarot Reading Experience…

Q1: How can a Tarot reading help me?
A: The tarot is an ancient system of guidance that can help you to discover the patterns of past actions and events — where you have been — and point out future trends and actions that may help you change your present situation to achieve your goals.

Q2: What do I need to do during my reading?
A: After you have paid for and scheduled your reading, I will contact you at our confirmed time. First, I will ask you to sit comfortably in a quiet location where you will be uninterrupted. I will ask you to relax while focusing on the issue of concern. While you focus on the question, I will shuffle the cards until you tell me to stop. I then will cut the deck and place the cards in position for the particular spread I am using. As I read and explain the card positions and meaning, you may ask any questions at any time for clarification. I will do my best to ensure that your concerns have been addressed and you are happy with your reading.

Q3: How should I phrase my question?
A:  I usually ask that you avoid simple “Yes” or “No” questions, so that you may get the full depth of knowledge offered by the tarot. Instead, your question should be phrased, for example, “What do I need to know about this situation,” or “What actions do I need to take to resolve this issue?”

If you do not have a particular issue of concern, a good question to ask is “What do I need to know?” I have found that the cards usually address the most important issues facing us at the time even though we have asked about a different subject.

Q4: How often should I request a reading?
A: You may request a reading whenever you feel a need to do so, but I recommend not scheduling a reading on the same issue more often that once a month. You need to give things time to develop, or you may receive the same message. If you ask the same question daily, for example, your reading would lack spiritual depth and end up being more focused on less significant mundane issues.

Q5: How do I pay for and/or schedule a reading?
A: It’s easy! See the “Schedule a Session” page >>

Schedule a reading today! >>

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