Super Moon Eclipse in Pisces —
A divine push toward
powerful new beginnings!
The Sun and Moon are merging at 18 degrees Pisces, 7:54 p.m. (CT) on March 8, 2016. This new moon is not only a super moon, but also a total solar eclipse, the first of 4 eclipses for 2016. Super moon and solar eclipse aspects are infusing our new beginnings with powerful energy this month. Eclipse energy can be experienced one month before, one month after, or sometimes six months to a year later as the universe gives us a divine push out of our comfort zones!
With 4 planets in Pisces, this will be an emotional, intuitive, and cosmic new moon as the boundaries between physical and spiritual worlds become more transparent. When the Sun (ego) merges with the Moon (soul) in Pisces, we may feel the need to connect with something greater than ourselves—to become whole, to merge with the divine within and recognize our divine connection with others as well. This is a time for greater compassion as we awaken to our true soul purpose, grounded in love for all beings.
Messenger Mercury is moving toward a conjunction with mystical Neptune in Pisces. This can be a fuzzy time for critical thinking. We may run across someone with a “too-good-to-be-true” story at this time as the Mercury/Neptune aspect can sometimes bring lies and liars to the surface. We must trust our intuition, focusing on details when making decisions or signing contacts this week. A good way to benefit from this conjunction would be to dive into art, music, creative writing, or spirituality. We may also be feeling more intuitive, with flashes of inspiration occurring more frequently. Write those ideas down, as memory for details may be impaired this week!
Expansive Jupiter in Virgo opposes the new moon, and forms a T-square aspect with workaholic Saturn in Sagittarius, and a favorable trine aspect to Pluto in Capricorn. Jupiter may expand our idealism at this time. We need to be careful not to take on more than we can handle as we feel a powerful urge to broaden our horizons. We must set realistic goals or we may not be able to do it all!
Saturn challenges us to take off the rose-colored glasses. It is OK to dream of creating a better world, but we must also have a realistic plan and be willing to put effort toward achieving our goals. Taskmaster Saturn is asking us to examine our beliefs. What do we believe is possible? What can we realistically achieve? If we have been blocked by fear or a lack of faith in our abilities, we can work to remove any limiting beliefs that have been blocking our success.
With support from the “Lord of Transformation,” Pluto in Capricorn, this can be a powerful time to purge anything from our subconscious that has been holding us back from taking our place in the world. We can create new beginnings that are life-changing at this time—breaking down old, outworn, behavior or situations that no longer fit to rebuild a brand new world. But, we must take action to benefit from this powerful energy.
Aries/Aries Rising
You can make powerful career moves this month, as you follow your intuitive guidance to break free of self-sabotaging behavior. Now is a good time for counseling or psychotherapy to help you break free from past conditioning and heal old wounds. Taking better care of your health and setting good boundaries gives you more energy to achieve your goals.
Taurus/Taurus Rising
You can develop powerful new friendships and join groups that help you achieve a long-held dream. You may experience a new beginning in romance, or creative self-expression that involves teaching, writing or publishing, and helps you feel more optimistic about life. There could be some limitations around self-worth or finances, so believe in yourself and budget wisely!
Gemini/Gemini Rising
You may be making decisions about your life direction, or be thinking about a new career doing work that involves the arts, healing or some type of social work. Career or relationship responsibilities may interfere with plans for home improvements. Serious relationships in business or love may be formed or feel limiting as Saturn visits your 7th house of partnership. You must work hard to honor your commitments.
Cancer/Cancer Rising
You may be thinking of traveling to foreign lands, going back to school, exploring new belief systems or a new spiritual practice as your 9th house is activated. The focus is on communication, higher education, publishing and spirituality. Health issues may zap your energy — don’t overwork! You may need to discipline yourself to make changes in any self-destructive habits that are affecting your health. Powerful new relationships in business or love can transform your life at this time.
Leo/Leo Rising
Jupiter expands your optimism or self-confidence and may bring financial luck through teaching or spirituality. Be careful not to overspend as Jupiter visits your 2nd house of money. New money may come in through partnerships or a project that involves spiritual work or service to others. Romance may get serious, and you may be thinking of making a commitment to someone special.
Virgo/Virgo Rising
You are the golden child this year with Jupiter in your first house. Be careful of rich foods that may cause weight gain. Partnerships are dreamy and creative, inspiring you to express yourself in powerful new ways. You are connecting with soul mates this month as you immerse yourself in the arts. Obligations at home may dampen your joy, or feel like a burden as you pursue your bliss.
Libra/Libra Rising
This new moon has you taking better care of yourself and others. Purge any co-dependent behavior that leaves you feeling victimized by finding time to take care of yourself as well as others. Traveling to foreign lands or exploring other cultures and belief systems has a healing effect on your psyche. Communication with neighbors and siblings may be difficult. You may feel alienated from them as they challenge your decisions. Pluto is transforming your home through major re-construction, or you may be dealing with issues left over from childhood as you make major changes in relationships.
Scorpio/Scorpio Rising
It’s time to honor your inner child and have fun as the new moon activates your 5th house of self-expression. Playing with artsy friends helps you restore your faith in pursuing a long-held dream. You have a powerful message to communicate to the world. Money may be tight as Saturn teaches you lessons in financial management. Don’t succumb to a scarcity mentality, but examine your spending habits. Choose wisely and be selective when spending your hard-earned cash.
Sagittarius/Sagittarius Rising
Saturn is making you work hard to fulfill career obligations as Jupiter brings expansion and luck to your career sector. Your home may become a spiritual retreat or sanctuary this month as you need to recharge. Be careful of water or plumbing issues with all this Pisces/Neptune energy focused there. Pluto is transforming the way you view yourself and what you need to feel secure. Teaching, the arts, and/or spirituality may transform your earning ability, bringing in more money. Power struggles may develop as a result of career expansion or opportunities.
Capricorn/Capricorn Rising
Pluto is transforming how you are seen in the world. Time to step into your power and show the world what you can do. A communication project involving the arts, healing or spirituality is ready to take off and bring expansion through teaching, publishing, and social media. Don’t let fear, limiting beliefs, authority figures or hidden enemies block your progress. It’s time to step into the spotlight and activate your leadership abilities!
Aquarius/Aquarius Rising
New beginnings in the arts, spirituality and service to others affect your earning ability in a big way. Check all details before signing contracts or investing money at this time. A financial windfall or inheritance is possible. Powerful people from behind the scenes are helping you to succeed with Pluto in the 12th house. Now is a good time to purge psychological blocks that have been holding you back from success. You may feel limited or blocked by conservative groups or friends. Don’t let them rain on your parade! You can succeed in reaching a dream or goal if you are persistent, have a realistic plan and are willing to work with others for mutual benefit.
Pisces/Pisces Rising
The world is seeing the depth of your compassion as you wear your heart on your sleeve this month. You may display new artistic talents, psychic or healing abilities, but feel misunderstood when communicating, feeling that others are just not getting you. Connecting with powerful groups can help you manifest a dream or goal that is focused on social change or services. This is a good time to form beneficial partnerships with Jupiter in your 7th house. One of these partners may suddenly offer to finance a goal, dream or social cause. Saturn in your 10th house may bring career success and recognition. You may feel overburdened with work, but it will be worth it when you accomplish your most cherished goals.