New Moon Solar Eclipse in Virgo—
Let the Devil handle the details as we
give humble service to humanity!
Welcome to September where the action is just beginning! A New Moon Solar Eclipse at 9 degrees Virgo on September 1, 2016, (1:03 a.m. CDT) falls hot on the heels of a Mercury retrograde period beginning August 30th, as the messenger planet starts its 3-week backward dance. An eclipse often brings powerful new events that may play out for up to six months or even one year. Sudden revelations may prompt us into action—purging people, places or situations that are long overdue from our lives.
At its best, the Moon and Sun expressing in Virgo, ruler of the sixth house, will bring up issues of health, employment, service, sacrifice and the ability to focus on details with fine-tuned precision. The danger lies in going overboard with petty arguments over minutia, or seeing only flaws as we strive toward the illusion of perfection—a dangling carrot we may never reach. Virgo, the second earth sign on the astrological wheel, has much to learn from her older earth brother Capricorn. Capricorn strives for excellence, not perfection, and there is a difference! Perfection equals death—a static state. Once we have arrived, a state of “so-called” perfection is difficult to maintain, and leaves no room for further development. Alternately, striving for excellence allows room for creative change and growth—emulating nature and all living things that are in a continual state of flux and evolution. Excellence is giving your best and knowing when to stop, before you tweak the life out of your goals. It is also accepting that everything is always in a divine state of harmony and balance, no matter where you are on the path.
The New Moon also triggers the Saturn/Neptune square and has warrior Mars in the mix! With Neptune opposing the moon, we will need to find a balance between working toward the beautiful vision of the “forest” while focusing on the intricate details of the “trees.” As the saying goes, “The devil is in the details,” and we may be dealing with our share of devils at this time! Without considering the larger vision of spiritual Neptune, we may get lost in the details and lose the greater concept of whatever we are trying to accomplish at this time.
Neptune can also bring confusion or deception. Falling within a Mercury retrograde period, misunderstandings, miscommunication and Murphy’s Law will take center stage. Now is not the time to shoot first then ask questions later. Check all facts and read the fine print before speaking or acting in haste.
Stern Saturn and Mars forming a T-Square to the Moon/Neptune opposition may throw cold waters of reality on our projects, dreams and visions. We may feel blocked by authority figures or conservative institutions and want to rebel without thinking in true Martian war-like fashion. With Saturn and Mars in Sagittarius, we may hold too rigidly to our individual beliefs with an “us versus them” mentality, as we dig in our heels and prepare to battle over personal ideologies—or petty details!
A way out of these astrological “land mines” is releasing our attachment to ego, speaking and acting from a place of HUMBLE SERVICE—another one of Virgo’s stellar qualities. By choosing our words carefully, making sure our message is heard or communicated with kindness and compassion, we can avoid setting off any nuclear reactions from others.
The New Moon is also conjunct the North Node in Virgo and in favorable aspect to Pluto in Capricorn. We are living through powerful times of change and transformation, where we have an opportunity to rebuild our world along more humble, service-oriented, spiritual paths that honor a multitude of dreams and visions. We are called to fulfill our personal divine mission by following a path we designed when we first decided to enter this physical plane.
In spite of the powerful astrological weather in play at this time, we must not let fear, limiting beliefs or criticism from others discourage us from working toward our goals to create a better world for everyone. Let’s hold a collective intention that the New Moon in Virgo may bring peace, hope, humble service, and compassionate new beginnings to all!
Aries/Aries Rising
The New Moon and Mercury Retrograde activating your sixth house may have you revisiting a hidden health or psychological issue. Plans for a new diet or exercise program can lead to powerful changes in your physical and mental state. Legal issues, higher education, spiritual beliefs, or long distance travel may be causing stress. Get everything in writing and read the fine print before signing contracts this month. Venus brings new love or more harmony to existing partnerships as she travels through your seventh house.
Taurus/Taurus Rising
There may be confusion or deception surrounding a group, creative project or romance with Neptune in the eleventh and the New Moon activating your fifth house of fun and creative expression. The Mercury Retrograde period may have you going back to the drawing board on a creative project, or re-connecting with an old flame. Venus in Libra boosts your diplomatic skills, bringing more harmony among colleagues as she travels through your sixth house of employment. Saturn and Mars in the eighth may bring unexpected expenses, or conflict over a partner’s resources. Your power lies in foreign lands, higher education, publishing or spirituality as Pluto camps out in your ninth house.
Gemini/Gemini Rising
Your plans to put down new roots or purchase a home may hit a snag with Neptune opposing the New Moon in your fourth house. You may want to look over contracts carefully with Mercury traveling in reverse. Confusion about your life direction or career path may have you re-evaluating commitments or cause problems with authority figures that may be acting harsh or antagonistic. Your excellent communication skills should help you smooth over any problems. Don’t embellish the facts or get lost in a dream when planning a career goal. Pluto may bring money to you through an inheritance or loan.
Your communication sector is lit up by the New Moon. It’s a good time to research new communication, media or writing initiatives, but don’t launch anything until October, after Mercury goes direct. Venus in Libra traveling through your fourth house may have you sprucing up your nest. You may find beautiful items for your home. Co-workers may seem harsh and extra competitive while Mars and Saturn visit your sixth house. Don’t let work stress affect your health. Partnerships become intense causing you bare your soul to someone close as the New Moon connects with Pluto in your seventh house.
Leo/Leo Rising
The Sun, Moon, Mercury and Jupiter in your second house boost your earning ability and self-esteem as you work out the details of a new creative project with a new love or existing romantic partner. Mercury may have you re-visiting previous “money-making” ideas as he backtracks through your second house. You may even re-connect with a former employer. Check the details before spending money or counting on financial support from a partner. You could feel blocked by a conservative authority figure or older person connected with a child or creative project.
Virgo/Virgo Rising
This is YOUR NEW MOON Virgo! You may revisit an old partnership in business or love, but make sure you are seeing what is really there with Neptune in your seventh house. You could meet a soul mate or an illusion—look at what they do, not what they say! Venus in your second house can bring in money. Mars and Saturn in your fourth may have you working hard around the house, building a stable home, or taking care of an older relative. You are ready to put down roots, but don’t argue with a partner over decorating ideas!
Libra/Libra Rising
With the New Moon falling in your twelfth house, you may be dealing with hospitals and institutions or finding new ways to release ghosts from the past as secrets come out of the closet. With Mercury moving in reverse, you may connect with people from the past to complete old karma. Venus now in Libra moves over your Ascendant to settle into your first house, adding beauty and charm to your appearance, and may even bring romance back to your life. You are ready to show the world how much you love someone special. Mars and Saturn may stir up some trouble with travel or relatives as they move through your third house of communication. Serious communication may be necessary with authority figures or siblings if you have been glossing over a health or addiction problem. You may want to book a trip to escape from any family conflict.
Scorpio/Scorpio Rising
As the Sun, Moon, Jupiter and Mercury party in your eleventh house, you may revisit a dream, finding a way to make it work. Limiting beliefs about yourself may block your earning ability as Saturn and Mars explode in your second house of self-worth. Use the energy of Mars to fight for what you value. Pluto in your third house offers support as you learn to communicate from a position of strength. Connecting with old friends to create art or music can bring joy and fun to your life. Neptune opposes all this so make sure you are not seeing only what you want to see about a creative project, child or romantic partner.
Sagittarius/Sagittarius Rising
You may find yourself following a new career path that involves teaching, writing or communications with the Sun, Moon, Jupiter and Mercury in your tenth house. Venus in your eleventh brings hope, harmony and money to group efforts, while Pluto in the second transforms your values and earning ability in a major way. With Saturn and Mars in your first house, you may display a more serious, “take charge” attitude—someone who is not afraid to fight for his or her beliefs.
Capricorn/Capricorn Rising
Your destiny may involve foreign lands, higher education or spirituality as the Sun, Moon, North Node, Mercury and Jupiter activate your ninth house. You may be thinking of returning to school to learn skills that will help advance your career. Research information while Mercury is retrograde, but don’t sign contracts, especially with Neptune in your third house, making communication confusing or deceptive. Clarify conversations, check all details and leave nothing to chance.
Aquarius/Aquarius Rising
You may receive financial support from a source other than your place of employment as the Sun, Moon, Jupiter and Mercury activate your eighth house of sex, death and shared resources. Pluto hiding in the twelfth supports your transformation from behind the veil. Neptune in the second can bring earnings from artistic or spiritual endeavors, but don’t fall for any “get-rich-quick” schemes. You may butt heads over protocol with a boss, authority figure or older friends as Mars and Saturn stir the dust in your eleventh house of friendship, groups, hopes and dreams. Saturn will show you who your true friends are while your genius mind is busy exploring other dimensions.
Pisces/Pisces Rising
Partnerships are in the spotlight as the Sun, Moon, Jupiter and Mercury crowd your seventh house. With Saturn and Mars in your tenth house, you are so busy handling an oppressive workload, you may not notice if a relationship or business partnership is eclipsed from your life. Mercury may bring back partners from the past. Venus activates your eighth house of sex, death and transformation. Are you ready for more intimacy the second time around?
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