New Moon in Libra — Exciting
beginnings in love and partnership.

New Moon in LibraThis month’s new moon at 19 degrees Libra occurs on October 13, 2015, at 0:06 a.m. UT, and is opposed directly by Uranus in Aries. With the planet of rebellion opposing the Sun and Moon in the sign of peace and harmony, we may expect some surprising events at this new moon. The relationship theme from the full-moon eclipse in Aries continues with the October new moon.

Rebellious Uranus in the sign of the warrior can often express as impatience and selfishness — wanting everything to happen NOW! There is an urgent need for change that may result in impulsive decisions or aggressive actions. The opposition to the new moon in Libra teaches that we must not go to extremes in either selfishness or accommodation, but find a balance between the two as we begin something fresh, exciting and liberating. This electric, cutting edge energy may bring new friendships, romance, or partnerships, or the motivation to help release us from our past and worn out old habits. A celestial wind of refreshing air!

Libra is at home with partnerships — working together for the good of all, finding balance, looking at all sides of an issue, working toward harmony in the spirit of compromise and justice. This energy may help us experience new beginnings within existing partnerships also, as we experiment with innovative ways of relating to others.

Courageous Mars is conjunct over-the top Jupiter in Virgo. Our energy is “amped up” at this full moon. We are anxious to expand our horizons in search of fulfillment as we explore new territory. But, before we go charging off to battle for our goals and beliefs, we must pause to reflect on the Neptune in Pisces opposition, which also opposes Venus in Virgo.

Neptune can sometimes bring confusion, deception or self-delusion as we look upon a goal or dream through the filters of his metaphysical fairy dust. Are we ignoring our divine consciousness, forgetting that we are one in spirit, while on our quest for individual expression in this physical realm? Are we seeing things clearly? Are we blowing some issues out of proportion? Is something or someone too good to be true? Or, are we  going in the other direction and taking an overly pessimistic view that is unwarranted? Are we being too picky or critical as several planets in Virgo have us focusing on the petty details of a situation?

Saturn in Sagittarius forms a challenging aspect to Venus in Virgo. This may not be a warm and fuzzy time for some relationships. The planet of paranoia, Saturn often appears cold, clinical and distant—keeping us at arms length from others. We may feel blocked or cut-off from those we love at this time, maybe from being too critical as we look at relationships through the eyes of Venus in Virgo. Perfection is a dangling carrot that can never be reached, and there is no perfect partnership, lover or situation.

Saturn can help us remain grounded in reality as we learn to navigate any misunderstandings caused by Mercury’s final days in retrograde last week and Neptune’s opposition to Mars, Jupiter and Venus. Also, if we embrace Libra’s gifts for elegant communication, diplomacy and delicate balance, we can forge a fair deal that satisfies both parties, heals past wounds and cements our most important partnerships at this time.

A golden aspect between optimistic Jupiter and powerful Pluto can bring wealth and change to our lives — blessings from the planet of luck and the lord of transformation. Pluto is forming a wide T-square to the Moon and Uranus, but still has influence. We need to be careful to avoid any power struggles, manipulative tactics and controlling behavior at this time. A better way to work with this energy is to choose transparency, revealing our vulnerabilities, as we discuss delicate topics with trust, compassion and concern for others.

The new moon has the potential for powerful new beginnings in how we relate to others, and what we are creating at this time. Let’s use this power wisely, for the benefit of all, to get the best results from October’s liberating new moon in Libra!




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