New Moon in Leo —
Love and create in a bold new way!

New Moon in LeoThe new moon takes center stage at 21 degrees Leo on the morning of August 14, 2015, and is conjunct Venus at 23 degrees Leo. The conjunction to Venus in Leo asks us to make bold moves in the name of love and creativity. Always the performer, majestic Leo does everything in a big way, wanting to be noticed and admired. Are there people in our lives who need to know just how much we care? Now would be the time to express our feelings and make a bold, playful statement of our love.

Another way this combination might work is to show off our creativity, honor our inner child and do something fun. This is a great time to show our unique talents to the world. What are our special gifts? The time is ripe for making new beginnings in expressing these special gifts.

Mercury in Virgo, forming a favorable aspect to Pluto in Capricorn, will lend power, passion and authority to support our communication style as we perform our life’s work. Mercury is currently moving away from an opposition to Neptune. By paying attention to the details, we will not get lost in the mists of metaphysical confusion that Neptune often brings. Instead, we can use the Neptune influence to add a spiritual component to our message — communicating through art, music or poetry.

Saturn is hiding out in the last degrees of Scorpio, forming a distant square to all this dramatic, loving energy. His lesson is to go deep to release chronic fears that have been holding us back from expressing our love, creativity and uniqueness. This may seem difficult, but the rewards will be worth it under Saturn’s watch. It’s OK to show our vulnerability, and softer side. Life can’t be all work and no play — we need to make time for love and fun too!

Uranus at 20 degrees Aries is forming a favorable aspect to the new moon. This might trigger sudden, surprising events, or courageous action. We must honor what makes us unique — to break from the norm and color outside the lines. Those with a Leo sun or ascendant will feel the energy of this new moon the most as they forge new beginnings. Expect the unexpected when Uranus breaks us out of our Saturn-ruled fears or boring routines. It’s OK to be different and rebel against our limiting beliefs. Who cares what the neighbors think!

Find out how to make this spontaneous, bold, creative energy work in your life, schedule a personal astrological forecast.

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