New Moon in Gemini — Communicate with love to diffuse conflict and create harmony in relationships.
At 9:59 p.m. (CT) on Saturday, June 4, 2016, the loquacious New Moon meets the Sun and Venus in an exact conjunction at 14 degrees, forming a stellium in Gemini. This also triggers a Grand Mutable Square bringing tense energy to the new moon. A Grand Square is formed when four planets oppose each other at 90-degree angles, forming both a cross and square in the chart. So, we have the Moon, Sun and Venus in Gemini opposed by Saturn in Sagittarius; Jupiter in Virgo opposite Neptune in Pisces and all are squaring each other in mutable signs. What does this mean? This configuration creates a situation where pressure that has been building up in many areas of our lives is now seeking release. The way out of any challenge that may confront us at this lunation is to balance the energy of each opposition, communicate, compromise, and be open to new perspectives.
Let’s look at the components to see how we can best work with and benefit from this conflicting energy. We have the Sun, Moon, Venus conjunction in Gemini opposed by Saturn in Sagittarius. Gemini is all about communication and story telling. Mischievous Gemini loves to learn, flirt, communicate and juggle several projects at once while sharing ideas with family, friends and lovers. With Venus here, we can craft a beautiful tale as we embrace new beginnings in love, art or money. The energy of the new moon encourages us to share our gifts with the world through words of love, art, poetry, music or creative writing. We want to try new things to make our lives more interesting. Saturn in Sagittarius opposing the Sun, Moon and Venus asks us to face reality, including our limiting beliefs and fears. We may fear revealing our emotions, or getting our message out. We may feel blocked by our own insecurities or the limiting beliefs of others. Are we good enough? Will we be embraced or rejected? Do we need to consider the beliefs and needs of others as well as our own? If we work to overcome our fears and perceived limitations, to commit to our dreams—to speak our truth—we can give birth to something both solid and stable.
Expansive Jupiter in Virgo may have us lost in the details, being overly judgmental, or promising too much in service to others. Neptune in Pisces shows us a world beyond reality as our subconscious divinity calls out to us from other dimensions, asking us to remember that we are one in spirit. We must soar above the trees of our earthly existence to view the entire forest of our universe. Yet, our compassion must also include ourselves or we will not have the strength to continue to serve. We must balance the scales of “give and take” to humbly serve others without becoming a martyr. Have we been too judgmental of others? Do we need to show more compassion for those less fortunate? Have we forgotten or lost our divine connection in a quest for the dangling carrot of perfection? Have we been too giving or sacrificing too much in the service of our loved ones? Have we taken on more than we can physically accomplish?
The abundant Grand Trine with Pluto, Jupiter and Mercury is still in effect at this new moon. Our way out of any conflict-ridden tensions from the Grand Square is through the Mercury-ruled gift of communication. We must be flexible, changing our beliefs if necessary to consider opposing views or opinions—balancing and integrating conflicting energies to create a state of harmony and peace. Compromise can often be difficult with square aspects for each side feels that they have too much to lose by giving in to the other. Luckily, the mutable signs of this Grand Square more flexible and open to change than the cardinal or fixed signs.
Pluto, Jupiter and Mercury in the Grand Earth Trine configuration help us to deliver a powerful message of hope and transformation. Venus gifts us with the potential to resolve any conflicts in a more loving, diplomatic way. The message at this new moon is one of hope, love and new beginnings. Beneficial change and evolution is possible, but only if we can free ourselves from the limiting prison of our fears to embrace new ways of thinking, believing and loving.
Aries/Aries Rising
You can find loving support from close relatives or neighbors this month with the Sun, Moon and Venus crowding your third house. Don’t be afraid to communicate your deepest feelings. Legal matters, authority figures or higher education may feel burdensome with Saturn in your ninth house. A change in your thinking may bring you career success or help heal psychological wounds from the past.
Taurus/Taurus Rising
New beginnings in love or money can make you feel valued and boost your self-worth. You may need to face the truth about shared resources within a partnership. You are ready to speak up or have a difficult talk about money with someone close. A change in your communication style transforms the way you express yourself or a creative project goes global, leading to wealth and prosperity.
Gemini/Gemini Rising
The Sun, Moon and Venus in Gemini falling in your first house may bring new love or a personal “make-over” that boosts your appearance. You seem more beautiful and loving, even as the Grand Square rocks your world and creates tension at home, in your career and partnerships. Use your gift of gab and charm to get out of any challenges this month, but maintain a grip on reality before making any snap decisions.
You have to start loving yourself this month or face a harsh verdict from an authority figure connected to work or health. Your communication style is changing and may lead to power struggles or manipulation in relationships. A psychological breakthrough is possible if you can work with and release hidden feelings about a lost love or mother figure that have been holding you back. Friends and close relatives are there for you offering love, support and hope.
Leo/Leo Rising
A new beginning in love may develop with a friend or through a group you belong to this month. A dream may be realized. Don’t let limiting beliefs about romance keep you from getting the love you need. You may be optimistic about money, but don’t count your chickens before they hatch. A partner’s resources may dry up and not be available to you. Conflicts may involve money or shared resources with a partner if you don’t honor your obligations. Changing your beliefs, communication style or work habits may boost your career potential.
Virgo/Virgo Rising
New beginnings in your career or with a communications project are exciting and may bring recognition and even romance. Someone at home may not be too happy and want to kill your joy. Your optimism is “out-of-bounds,” but with Neptune transiting your seventh house be certain that you are really with a soul mate and not a glamorous illusion.
Libra/Libra Rising
The new moon in your ninth house may have you traveling to new places, exploring a new spiritual path or thinking of going back to school. A new love may open you up to new spiritual practices or beliefs. This may not sit well with close family, neighbors or a conservative relative. You may have obligations to fulfill with hospitals or institutions before you can set sail on your new adventure.
Scorpio/Scorpio Rising
The new Moon, Sun and Venus in your eighth house may bring money from investments, banks or a partnership. You may feel that it still isn’t enough with Saturn in your second house of money and self worth. You may also be ready to face and communicate your fears about intimacy, leading to a deeper connection. Major changes in your thinking or communication style can bring you closer to a dream or success with a group project.
Sagittarius/Sagittarius Rising
A new love interest or new beginning in an existing partnership can bring renewed hope to career plans or life direction. With Gemini on your seventh house cusp, there may be two options on the table. Don’t be too critical, but choose the option that allows you to grow and feeds your soul—not the confusing, crazy or needy one. A writing project can lead to career success and a boost in income, plus relieve some of the mental stress you’ve been experiencing.
Capricorn/Capricorn Rising
You may begin an exercise or diet program with the new moon and Venus in your sixth house of health and work. Learning to love and care for yourself helps you break free from any self-sabotaging beliefs or fears. There may be more harmony at work with Venus transiting your sixth house. Speak up and set stronger boundaries with a child or loved one to get your needs met. Compassionate communication helps clear up any misunderstandings due to cultural differences within an educational project or spiritual belief.
Aquarius/Aquarius Rising
A new beginning involving children, romance or a creative project may limit the time you have to spend with friends this month. You are busy, but loving every minute of it as you work to fulfill a dream! Keep an eye on your money and don’t fall for any “get rich quick” schemes as the Grand Cross activates your second/eighth axis of money and shared resources. Talking with a counselor to release psychological blocks can help heal wounds from the past that are blocking your ability to attract love or money. Releasing what no longer serves to focus on a communication project has a better chance of bringing in the funds you need.
Pisces/Pisces Rising
New beginnings at home help take your mind off heavy responsibilities at work. You may be working to beautify your nest this month as Venus travels through your fourth house. Your powerful communication style within a group or with influential friends brings fortunate partnerships that help you achieve a goal or dream. Communicate clearly and show your compassionate side to avoid any confusion or misunderstandings about what you are trying to accomplish.