New Moon in Capricorn—Overcome
obstacles to achieve a dream!
The New Moon at 8 degrees Capricorn joins the Sun on December 29, 2016, at 00:53 a.m. (CT). The New Moon sweeps by communicator Mercury and moves toward a conjunction to Pluto also in Capricorn. With all these planets in serious Capricorn, we may be busy creating life-changing new plans that will bring us recognition and increased status in the community. With Retrograde Mercury in the sign of the goat, we may need to step back, rethinking or revising our goals along more stable or realistic lines. Pluto in Capricorn can bring transformation to old structures that are no longer working in our lives—breaking things down so we may rebuild toward more authentic paths. This process must not be rushed. Capricorn energy can feel heavy or restrictive, and we may be working hard at this lunation, feeling as though we may never reach our destination. The New Moon in Capricorn, a sign known for its ability to rise above limitations to achieve great success, offers opportunities to create solid new beginnings that will bring abundant rewards for our efforts and commitment.
Mars and Neptune in Pisces are in favorable aspect to the Moon, Sun, Mercury and Pluto in Capricorn. Mars in Pisces racing toward Neptune energizes the New Moon, helping us to dream a new world into being. We can commune with the divine through meditation, spend our energy giving compassionately to others, or summon the courage to confront and release psychological blocks at this lunation. With Neptune in Pisces, we may be torn between the work we must complete and a need to escape from the hectic pace of the world. We may choose to retreat from the world using creativity—expressing our love, compassion or spirituality through poetry, art or music. Pisces rules the twelfth house of secrets, so we may be working behind the scenes to bring a new goal or dream to fruition.
Optimistic Jupiter in Libra opposing rebellious Uranus in Aries may bring unexpected events involving long-term partnerships. A favorable aspect from cautious Saturn in Sagittarius keeps us from burning bridges with reckless, “over-the-top” behavior, and adds stability to any innovative, expansive new plans we may begin at this time.
Aries/Aries Rising
A new career path or life goal can transform your status as the New Moon in your tenth house of career networks with Mercury and Pluto. Your chances for success increase if you are willing to face and conquer any psychological blocks, addictions, or repressed anger. You are ready for a bold new way of relating to others as Jupiter in your seventh opposes Uranus in your first house. Show your genius to the world!
Taurus/Taurus Rising
The focus is on higher education and exploring new ways of thinking, learning and communicating with the New Moon in your ninth house. New skills transform your life and help you achieve a dream or goal that involves healthcare, healing or social causes. Secrets may suddenly be revealed or surprising “over-the-top” behavior from co-workers may catch you off guard as Jupiter in your sixth house connects with Uranus in your twelfth. You may be called on to help a friend in need as energetic Mars connects with compassionate Neptune in your eleventh house of friendship.
Gemini/Gemini Rising
You have an opportunity to confront and overcome any hang-ups you may have around intimacy and shared resources with the Sun, Moon, Mercury and Pluto lining up in your eighth house of sex, death and transformation. Your dream career is finally beginning to take shape as Mars energizes Neptune in your tenth house of status. This may involve helping or healing others. Saturn in your seventh house of committed partnerships lends stability to exciting new friendships, romance or creative projects. New beginnings will stand the test of time.
Cancer/Cancer Rising
Partnerships are highlighted with the Sun, Moon, Mercury and Pluto merging in your seventh house. New ways of communicating bring stability to a partnership ensuring that everyone’s needs are met. You may be dreaming of foreign shores, spirituality, or higher education as Mars connects with Neptune in your ninth house. Uranus may bring changes to your career or have you working hard on a project involving technology, teaching, writing, or communication. You can make real progress now!
Leo/Leo Rising
A serious discussion with an authority figure concerning a health or work issue helps you re-think or revise your methods along more practical lines. Mars in your eighth house gives you the courage to deal with addiction or mental issues that you may have been unwilling to face. A revised health regimen based on realistic thinking helps you take better care of yourself with the New Moon activating your sixth house. Saturn lends stability to a long-term romance or creative project involving publishing, technology, or communication.
Virgo/Virgo Rising
You may be focused on children or a new creative project as the Sun, Moon, Mercury and Pluto play in your fifth house of romance and creativity. Unexpected financial support from a partner helps stabilize your home life and a relationship. A budding romance may lead to commitment as it transforms your life for the better. Critical thinking will help you decide if this is a soul mate union or an illusion.
Libra/Libra Rising
Jupiter boosts your confidence and optimism as he visits your first house. Uranus in your seventh house brings unpredictable but exciting energy to relationships at this time. You are working hard transforming your home to better fit your needs as the Sun, Moon, Mercury, and Pluto nest in your fourth house. New beginnings help you deal with childhood or parental issues. Mars and Neptune in your sixth house of work, health and service may inspire compassion for those less fortunate or confined. Your destiny may involve healing work or dealing with hospitals and institutions.
Scorpio/Scorpio Rising
You are busy forging new ties with siblings and relatives as the New Moon activates your third house of communication. You may need to face reality or have a serious discussion with a romantic partner or child who may be struggling with addiction or psychological problems. Saturn in your second house may bring stress over money, values or self-worth. Uranus in your sixth house can cause sudden events involving health or co-workers to flare up. Jupiter in your twelfth house brings support from someone behind the scenes. Stay calm and don’t over react if someone rattles your soul cage.
Sagittarius/Sagittarius Rising
You are working hard for the money as the Sun, Moon, Mercury and Pluto activate your second house of values. New and improved “money-making” ideas can transform your earning ability as you think critically to revise or create a solid plan. Mars connecting with Neptune in your house of home energizes your ability to create a spiritual sanctuary where you can escape and recharge from work-related stress. Your destiny lies in humble service to the community and may involve healthcare or healing.
Capricorn/Capricorn Rising
This is YOUR NEW MOON Capricorn! Sun, Moon, Mercury and Pluto in your first house bless any new beginnings that help you step into your power—transforming both your physical appearance and how you are seen in the world. A neighbor or close relative may need your compassionate assistance at this time. A communication project that helps others less fortunate gets a boost from Mars in your third house. Your destiny lies in higher education, teaching, or embracing new cultures. Career success helps you to overcome self-limiting beliefs and brings refreshing changes to your home life and relationships.
Aquarius/Aquarius Rising
You may be working hard behind the scenes on career advancement as the New Moon hides out in your twelfth house. Even without all the work, you need a break from socializing at this time. Venus in your first house has you looking good while you are busy working out a plan to increase your income. This may involve healing, spirituality or compassionate service to humanity. Sudden developments involving communication, technology, publishing, or higher education can bring stability to a goal or group project as Saturn in your eleventh supports Uranus and Jupiter in your third/ninth houses.
Pisces/Pisces Rising
Mars connecting with Neptune in your first house stirs your compassion as you work diligently with conservative institutions or groups to manifest a goal or social initiative. Some re-thinking may be necessary as the New Moon connects with Retrograde Mercury, but the end result will be more effective later in the month, when Mercury goes direct. With the Virgo North node in your seventh house opposing Mars, your destiny lies in forming partnerships based on purity and humble service. Unexpected financial support may come from behind the scenes as Uranus and Jupiter activate your second/eighth house axis with a nod from Saturn in your tenth house of career. You can achieve much success and recognition at this time.
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