New Moon in Aries conjunct Chiron—
Carving a new path toward love and healing!

New Moon in Aries Conjunct Chiron

In the early morning hours of March 24th, the New Moon and Sun in warrior Aries meet wounded healer Chiron while forming a T-square with the North Node in Cancer and South Node in Capricorn. There’s tension in the stars as we are challenged to create a new path toward healing, in spite of feeling imprisoned by fear, oppressed, or chained to the comfortable past. As old systems and ways of engaging with the world crumble around us, we stand at the crossroads to a new life, and a new way of being. The North Node in Cancer is calling us home to a world where warm connections and nurturing family ties soothe our weary souls. But, we must have the courage to get out of our comfort zone, confront our wounds, and create that world. If we have been living in a place where heavy burdens, overwork, and oppressive rules and regulations have become more important than family, friends, and community, the time has come to carve a new path through the rubble of what was once so important but now seems meaningless. Some of us may be waking up to what is of true value, realizing what must take second place in our lives, or even be discarded if it does not bring us peace, joy, and inner fulfillment.

The way out of tension caused by a T-square with “me-first” Aries at the apex is by embracing the energy of diplomatic Libra—symbol of peace, justice, cooperation, partnership—ruled by Venus, the goddess of love. We must act with fairness and compassion as we work for the good of all, not just for our own selfish needs. We must recognize that we are all one global family, and that we share similar wounds, goals, and real estate—“Mother Earth.” It is time to drop “us versus them” thinking, stop living behind walls of fear and mistrust, as we join together for the benefit and health of all.

The New Moon in Aries supports us with courage and an opportunity to take action toward creating a new career, relationship, home, or even a new world—anything that will bring us back to a life worth living. We need to fire up the warrior within to create a world that offers nurturing and healing for all, freeing us from any dull, habitual, or “soul-sucking” routines that seem carved into the stones of our past.

Passionate love or powerful creative expression may also be found on the ground running as sensual Venus in determined Taurus forms a favorable trine to energetic Mars, expansive Jupiter, and intense Pluto—all in calculating Capricorn. With all this Capricorn energy, we are playing for keeps! Beautiful Venus even gets a romantic wave from mystical Neptune in Pisces. We can find a soul mate or spiritual connection, and start something new that could last a lifetime—if we have the courage to act on our desires!

Storyteller Mercury in nebulous Pisces forming a sextile to innovative Uranus in solid Taurus may bring unexpected messages or connections in the days ahead. Genius ideas or solutions to problems may come to us in a flash of inspiration from the depths of the collective consciousness.

Tomorrow is promised to no one. The present moment is all we have to work with at any given time. As my Aquarian father used to say, “He who hesitates is lost.” With all planets now moving direct at the start of the new astrological year and a New Moon in Aries, the time has come to release fear, embrace courage, and take action towards anything we have been procrastinating about. Seize the moment—the time is NOW!

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