New Moon In Aquarius—Think
“outside-the-box” to achieve success!
The Sun and Moon meet in the futuristic, freedom-loving sign of Aquarius at 6:07 p.m. (CST) on Friday, January 27, 2017. There are no major aspects influencing this New Moon in the sign of the water bearer. The closest aspect in effect at this time is Venus in Pisces “squaring-off” with Saturn in Sagittarius. This is not a “warm and fuzzy” aspect as Saturn can restrict the loving energy of Venus. We may feel distanced from others or find it difficult to express love and affection. Saturn’s influence may also cause us to think seriously about our relationships and commitments at this time. This could mean a “make it or break it” time for some relationships.
Venus rules both love and money. In Pisces, the Goddess of Love is living in a romantic dream world, wanting to gloss over truths that might burst idealistic bubbles surrounding lovers or finances. Authoritative Saturn in Sagittarius is ready to do just that by shooting a few arrows of awareness at those glittery bubbles, forcing us to face reality. We may see the harsh truth of our financial situation, or wake up to uncomfortable understandings within relationships. This is a time of testing, where we must look at relationships or finances and deal with any issues realistically. We can no longer sweep things under the rug hoping they will go away. Now is the time to create an action plan! With the New Moon in visionary Aquarius, we are blessed with favorable energy to “think outside-the-box” as we embrace new ideas or develop fresh solutions to any difficulties.
Jupiter in Libra helps soften relationship conflicts with benevolent diplomacy, lending support and optimism to any careful plans hatched under the influence of “task-master” Saturn. Yet, we may feel an increased need to break free from restraints as Jupiter opposes rebellious Uranus in courageous Aries. Communicator Mercury in Capricorn is moving toward a conjunction with Dark Lord Pluto giving us the opportunity to dive deep in search of solutions to problems, revealing any flaws in our thinking or delivery that may be contributing to conflicts with authority figures. As long as we choose our words carefully, leaving bullying or manipulation behind, we can negotiate powerful “win-win” solutions that will benefit all, expressing the best side of this configuration.
Eccentric Aquarius, ruled by Uranus and co-ruled by Saturn, has the ability to see far into the future. Those born under this progressive sign intuitively understand the distant potential of innovative systems, inventions and societal structures as they channel visions of a future society where the needs of the many are served over the greed of the few. With a faraway look in their eyes, they are usually found dreaming a new world into being—one that many may not yet understand or be ready to embrace.
We can tap into the visionary energy of Aquarius at this New Moon—creating innovative beginnings in our own lives based on collaboration, justice and freedom for all.
Aries/Aries Rising
You connect with free-spirited friends or join with others seeking to serve humanity as the New Moon activates your eleventh house of groups. You may be learning tough lessons in love as Saturn squares Venus in your twelfth house. Are you keeping your feelings about a special someone hidden or pining away for an unavailable lover? Jupiter in your seventh house puts the spotlight on relationships as he activates Uranus in your first increasing restless energy. A breakdown or breakthrough in partnerships may be on the agenda. Don’t be reckless — think of the consequences before acting out!
Taurus/Taurus Rising
A new career opportunity may allow you to show off your technology skills as the New Moon rises to your tenth house. Saturn in your eighth house may bring delays or conflict around money putting a damper on plans with friends or group activities. Take a realistic look at your finances. Don’t spend money you don’t have or count your chickens before they hatch. Unexpected luck comes from your work environment as Jupiter blesses your sixth house with opportunity and sends a beam to Uranus in your twelfth house. You are secretly chomping at the bit for change, so this may bring a breath of fresh air to your career.
Gemini/Gemini Rising
You may be planning a long-distance trip or using cutting edge technology to communicate deep spiritual truths to the world as the New Moon brings fresh energy to your ninth house of publishing, travel and higher education. Unexpected developments involving friends, children or lovers may bring a dream closer fruition. Saturn in your seventh may have you seriously evaluating work partnerships and commitments you have with others as he aspects Venus in your tenth house. You may seem distant to loved ones as you focus on a career or creative project. This month would a good time to confront and discuss deep seated blocks to financial support or intimacy as Mercury and Pluto visit your eighth house of transformation. Are you getting what you deserve in your career?
Cancer/Cancer Rising
The New Moon in your eighth house brings new beginnings and a fresh look at money or intimacy issues. You have an opportunity to transform the way you relate to others at this lunation. Pluto and Mercury visiting your seventh house can turn up the volume if discussing intense issues with partners. Speaking your truth without bullying or manipulation will transform a marriage or business arrangement for the better. Jupiter in your fourth house can “ramp-up” surprising developments at work as he triggers Uranus in your tenth. Things may be changing at the speed of light in your career—don’t get involved in power struggles, or work yourself to death!
Leo/Leo Rising
You have an opportunity for a fresh start in relationships as the New Moon visits your seventh house of partnerships. Balancing your needs with the needs of others will bring peace and harmony to relationships. Venus in your eighth house usually brings financial support and intimacy, but you may feel isolated from a lover or child as Saturn restricts Venus’ loving energy from his harsh position in your fifth house. Surprising developments with a communication or publishing project may bring unexpected opportunities. You may be in the right place at the right time!
Virgo/Virgo Rising
You may experience unconventional working conditions or begin a radical health plan with the New Moon in your sixth house of service. Venus in your seventh brings harmony to partnerships. You may be working hard around your nest with Saturn in your fourth house, but also arguing over expenses connected with the home. Serious discussions with children or lovers may transform relationships with Mercury and Pluto meeting up in your fifth house. Creative expression gets a powerful boost from this super-charged duo as well. Jupiter in your second house of values plays “tug-of-war” with Uranus in your eighth house of shared resources and may bring surprising developments around money. Sudden windfalls or losses are possible!
Libra/Libra Rising
Unique ways to have fun are on the agenda as the New Moon brings joy to your fifth house of pleasure. Jupiter in your first house can create unexpected opportunities to partner with a “free-spirited” soul mate as he teases Uranus now in your seventh house. Co-workers are more pleasant these days as Venus transits your sixth house of work and health. You may want to distance yourself from older, conservative relatives or siblings who seem to want to kill your bliss as they try to guilt you into serving them. Someone at home may try to manipulate you out of travel plans or rock your secure world. Stand your ground!
Scorpio/Scorpio Rising
The New Moon in your fourth house of home brings a breath of fresh air to your living quarters. You may choose a more modern, “hi-tech” look if re-decorating. Saturn in your second house frowning at Venus in your fifth has you counting your pennies as expenses rise, causing you to reduce spending on fun, romance or children. Surprising developments at work are on the horizon as Jupiter in your twelfth increases the turbulence by signaling Uranus in your sixth house of employment. Expect the unexpected, but don’t overreact as Mercury connects with Pluto in your third house of communication. Speak softly as you wield that stick!
Sagittarius/Sagittarius Rising
You may begin an innovative media or communication project as the New Moon travels through your third house. You are working hard and looking like the boss with Saturn pressuring your first house. Intense conversations about values or money leave you feeling more empowered as Mercury moves toward Pluto in your second house. You may decide to beautify your home with the extra cash or camp out with a special loved one. Sudden opportunities to socialize or have fun with friends or lovers catch you by surprise—but in a good way!
Capricorn/Capricorn Rising
The New Moon in your second house may have you exploring technology to increase both money and self-worth. Relationships with siblings or neighbors seem more harmonious with Venus in your third house adding sweet charm to your communication style. Love with a neighbor is possible, if you can work through some fears or psychological hang-ups. Mercury and Pluto in your first house show the world that you can be a powerful communicator when necessary—just don’t bring the gavel down too hard. Jupiter brings “out-of-the-blue” surprises, abundance and expansion to your career sector as he visits your tenth house while shooting a fiber optic line to Uranus in your fourth house. Opportunities and refreshing change may appear when you least expect it in both career and home life—be ready for anything!
Aquarius/Aquarius Rising
This is YOUR NEW MOON Aquarius—prepare for lift-off! You are feeling freer to be YOU with the New Moon in your first house—go for it! Venus in your second house brings an increase in earnings, but you may not be feeling the love from conservative friends or associates. When did you ever care what others think? Saturn in your eleventh house helps you discern real friends from fake ones. Spend your precious time with the former and ditch the latter. Mercury and Pluto are mumbling behind the scenes from your twelfth house, helping you to release any demons or blockages that have been holding you back from fulfilling your karmic destiny. It’s time to throw out the psychological garbage. Uranus in the third may bring technology, astrology or even alternative healing to your arsenal of tricks as Jupiter in the ninth encourages you to teach or learn new skills. The world is waiting for your special mix of wisdom!
Pisces/Pisces Rising
You may be working behind the scenes on an innovative project or tackling your blind spots as the New Moon energizes your twelfth house of secrets—either way—you are golden! Venus in your first house may attract a new love since you are looking so fine these days. Saturn in your tenth house may interfere with your love life as work and responsibilities pile up. Remember what they say about all work and no play—take a break and have some fun every now and then! Your money situation has been all over the road with Uranus traveling through your second house, but Jupiter in your eighth house should bring welcome support from a partner or financial institution. As Mercury moves toward Pluto in your eleventh house, you may be negotiating with powerful groups. Choose your words carefully and don’t be bullied or manipulated into signing up for anything not in your best interests.
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