New Moon in Aquarius —
Get with your soul tribe to ignite
revolutionary beginnings.

NIt’s time rocket into the future with cutting edge ideas and revolutionary beginnings as the Sun and Moon join together in Aquarius (19 degrees) on February 8, 2016, at 8:39 a.m.

Aquarius owns futuristic, original thinking, science and technology, working with groups to bring about social change. On a global level, this energy supports evolved soul groups coming together to bring about innovative change that will benefit the majority and make life better for all beings that share Mother Earth.

On a personal level, it’s a great time to take bold steps toward fulfilling a dream—launch a website, start a business or social medial campaign, fly your freak flag, contact an extraterrestrial. Do anything innovative and out of the box that honors your unique creativity and soul expression. Supportive sextile aspects from Saturn in Sagittarius and Uranus in Aries offer faith in your talents plus the courage to build something stable and durable that also honors your unique contribution to society. But, you MUST take action to benefit from this energy!

A tense square aspect from Mars in Scorpio may place a few challenges on your path. Be prepared for sudden, subversive attacks from those who don’t understand your energy, or what you are trying to accomplish. Mercury, Venus, and Pluto bonding in “old boy” Capricorn and still squaring off with Uranus may not be comfortable with change. Those in authority, controlling the media or the money may try to manipulate outcomes. Mars in Scorpio wants to win at all costs, but don’t get drawn into any heated arguments or drama during this lunation. If anyone comes at you with both barrels blazing, keep calm and don’t react. Deflect any volatile energy by working out, cleaning out the basement, helping someone move house, or, better yet—negotiating a “win-win” for all concerned.

Now that Mercury is direct, and moving out of his shadow, efforts begun at this new moon should show signs of ROI by the full moon in Virgo later this month. So—don’t be intimidated by the stuffy old guard—get with your tribe and “carpe diem!

Launch your “rockets of change” with a personal Astrology forecast by T.

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