New moon eclipse in Virgo —
Heal past wounds and activate
powerful new beginnings

NEW MOON IN VIRGOThe Sun joins the Moon at 20 degrees Virgo on September 13, 2015, at 6:41 a.m. UT. This new moon is also a partial solar eclipse. New moons are auspicious for new beginnings, and the eclipse blessed by Pluto makes this new beginning even more powerful. Eclipses often signal a time for release as well. What are we called to begin — and what must be released at this new moon?

Detail-oriented Virgo asks us to sharpen our vision with raptor awareness as we examine our lives to discern what is working and what no longer has meaning. What comfortable habits, situations and/or behavior do we need to release that are no longer supporting our health and happiness? Where must we create new paths of awareness and actions that will bring our lives to a healthier, more abundant place?

Wounded Healer Chiron in spiritual Pisces opposing the moon asks us to look at the karmic wounds of our past — acknowledge their existence, bless the wisdom they have shown us, and release them — ending cycles of pain, victimization, and/or martyrdom. Once freed from the weight of their influence, we can move toward joyous new beginnings with love and lightened hearts.

Jupiter in Virgo opposes Neptune in Pisces. The “devil may be in the details,” but we don’t need to make him larger-than-life! Instead of falling into old patterns of criticism, being judgmental, making mountainous problems from the molehills of petty details, or projecting our inner angst toward people and objects in the external world, we are asked to bring compassion and service to our thinking as we create new plans for the future. We are only deluding ourselves if our optimistic dreams are executed without including a spirit of service and compassion for the suffering of others.

Mars in Leo trine Uranus in Aries is also active during this period. Mars provides the trigger that helps us cut away the deadwood as we create bold new beginnings — but we may need to move out of our comfort zones, using cutting edge technology or unconventional protocols to get the most healing energy from this new moon.

Pluto in Capricorn is supportive to the new moon, lending transformative power to our new path. A square aspect from Mercury in Libra means that communication has the potential to be powerful and cathartic at this time, but we must use diplomacy as we deliver our message. A good thought to keep in mind —“It’s not what you say, but how you say it” — can mean the difference between a compassionate, healing conversation and deadly destruction at this time.

With the North Node in Libra, and Venus now moving direct, our destiny lies in choosing peace, justice and love — activating progress in relationships, both business and personal, as we experience the healing energy of this new moon eclipse!

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