Happy Solstice—Welcome Summer!

Solstice_150621The Sun enters the zodiac sign of Cancer at 16:38 GMT on June 21, 2015, marking the longest day of the year, Father’s Day, and the beginning of summer. At zero degrees in the cardinal sign of the world’s mother—Cancer—this powerful energy is helping us to nurture our loved ones, our selves, and feed the world with our divine feminine gifts. Yes—even Dads are encouraged to tap into their feminine, nurturing side when the Sun is in sensitive Cancer.

Mars at 28 degrees Gemini joins the Sun in an out-of sign conjunction adding “get-it-done-yesterday” energy to our plans for the summer. King of abundance Jupiter is in Leo forming a fire trine to exciting Uranus in fearless Aries. Time to “go big or go home” as we break new ground on the royal road to freedom and authenticity!

Love Goddess Venus joins the party later this summer to add grace, beauty, and abundance when she forms a conjunction to Jupiter at 21 degrees Leo in July. The Law of Attraction is in full force, supported by these beneficial planets. What do we want to attract this summer?

Serious Saturn in the last degree of Scorpio forms a square to the tender Moon in “look-at-me” Leo. This aspect cautions us to go deep as we uncover and hopefully break through the walls of fear that prevent us from reaching for the golden ring promised by the Jupiter/Venus conjunction in the sign of the king. What old karma do we need to finish and release as we embrace change and follow a path that feeds our soul, and honors our true essence?

Happy Solstice and Happy Summer to All!

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