Full Super Moon in Taurus—
Confront the darkness within to
find a path toward wholeness.

Full moon in TaurusFeelings may intensify as the Moon at 22 degrees Taurus opposes the Sun in Scorpio on November 14, 2016, at 7:53 a.m. (CT). The Super Moon hasn’t been this close to the earth in 70 years and will appear “larger-than-life.” Full moons always represent culminations as they balance the relational energies of “us” versus “them.” Activating the second/eighth house axis, this full moon in Taurus asks us to examine what we value about ourselves and what we need to feel secure, as we consider our commitments to others and the resources those relationships provide. Taurus, ruling the second house of self-worth and material possessions, is concerned with security, maintaining the status quo, and keeping the emotional waters placid and calm, while Scorpio enjoys diving deep into turbid waters to uncover the darkness hidden beneath the surface. Scorpions do not fear the dark because they know that the best way to destroy darkness is to acknowledge and bring it into the light.

The eighth house, ruled by Scorpio, is the house of sex, death and transformation. With Black Moon Lilith close to the Sun in Scorpio, Uranus and Eris in Aries forming a tense aspect, this moon may shine a revealing light on a number of proverbial “skeletons” and “demons” hiding in the shadows of our relationships. Surprising behavior or events will show us that we can no longer avoid dealing with whatever has been rotting beneath the surface. We must go deep into our psychological basements to confront and release anything that no longer serves our collective mental health. Having the courage to face reality will help us release the darkness as we walk a new path toward wholeness.

Wounded Healer Chiron, favorable to the Super Moon, encourages us to face and release any deep wounds within our personal or collective psyche that are begging to be healed. This may not happen overnight, but just acknowledging the wound can help us discover roads to recovery. Mercury in Sagittarius calls to Mars in Aquarius encouraging us to take unprecedented action as we communicate our deepest concerns. Innovative ideas, dialog, and collaboration may help us find a way out of the darkness.

Aries/Aries Rising

The Full Super Moon may bring things to a head around intimacy and self-worth issues as it activates your second/eighth house axis. A resource you have been counting on may come to an end. Uranus and Eris may cause you to act out as tensions rise. Think twice and pause before activating the nuclear warheads! Honest communication can bring healing to friendships or group activities.

Taurus/Taurus Rising

This is YOUR Full Super Moon Taurus! Relationships are in the crosshairs as the Full Moon targets your first/seventh house axis. Sudden revelations about others help you see reality and finally take a stand for your needs. Mars traveling through your tenth house of career may have you working overtime on a lucrative communications project. Wealth may come from foreign shores, higher education, publishing, or spirituality as Jupiter in your sixth sends lucky vibes to Pluto in your ninth house.

Gemini/Gemini Rising

You may feel like retreating to a cave to do some soul-searching as the Full Super Moon hides out in your twelfth house of secrets. Facing personal demons is never easy, but it can bring much needed healing to an employment situation or lifestyle. A creative project, child, or romance can bring abundant rewards that transform your life—believe in yourself! If partnerships have been feeling heavy, use your gift with words to eloquently iron out any problems.

Cancer/Cancer Rising

You may experience a dream come true or find someone to play with as the Full Super Moon lights up your eleventh/fifth house axis of group activities, romance and creativity. If house hunting, you may find a dream home while Jupiter travels through your fourth house. Partnerships are intense, yet harmonious as Venus moves gracefully through your seventh house. Pluto in the seventh may bring power struggles or passion to relationships—make love, not war!

Leo/Leo Rising

Career success may bring a change in status as the Full Super Moon highlights your tenth/fourth house axis. You may need to face and overcome “mother issues” as the Sun and Black Moon Lilith stir up past trauma while living in your fourth house. Positive communication will help offset any conflicts in romance or relationships.

Virgo/Virgo Rising

The Super Full Moon brings closure to a spiritual, publishing or higher education project as it shines through your ninth house. Sudden developments may have you thinking of innovative ways to raise money as Uranus and Eris spotlight your eighth house of resources and transformation. Watch your speaking style as Black Moon Lilith joins the Scorpio Sun in your third house of communication. Don’t act like a bully or come on too strong!

Libra/Libra Rising

You may get the funding you have been waiting for as the Full Super Moon activates your eighth house. A free-spirited partner may surprise you as Uranus and Eris in Aries camp out in your seventh house. Venus and Pluto in your fourth house favor major reconstruction or decorating. You can finally have the beautiful home of your dreams!

Scorpio/Scorpio Rising

The Full Super Moon may bring some truths to light in partnerships. You may look, feel and act more intense as the Full Moon activates your first house of physical appearance and personality. Mars in your fourth house may stir up arguments with loved ones at home. Instead of fighting, exercise at home, go for a walk or clean the house! Contracts are favorable with Mercury in your third house. Just sign before December to avoid the Mercury retrograde period!

Sagittarius/Sagittarius Rising

You may be feeling more introverted with the Sun in your twelfth house and the Moon in your sixth. Don’t be a martyr or victim at work—rest will help you recharge and live to fight another day! A child’s sudden rebellious behavior may bring you grief or a creative project may go off the rails as Uranus and Eris camp out in your fifth house. Venus entering your second house may bring in extra cash as Pluto helps transform your earning power through teaching or spirituality.

Capricorn/Capricorn Rising

A creative project or romance may reach completion as the Full Super Moon activates your fifth house. Venus in your first house enhances your charm and attractiveness. When she connects with Pluto later in the month, you will be a powerful magnet for love! Mars in your second house may drive up expenses, but Jupiter in favorable aspect to Pluto can bring wealth and abundance to your career and status.

Aquarius/Aquarius Rising

You are a “go-getter” this month with Mars traveling through your first house. Career success and home matters are highlighted this month with the Full Super Moon dancing with your fourth/tenth house axis. Unexpected developments may have you jumping through hoops with neighbors and relatives as Uranus and Eris stir up your third house of contracts and communication. A behind the scenes project involving publishing, higher education or teaching can bring you in contact with powerful people and dramatically increase your income.

Pisces/Pisces Rising

The truth surfaces with a contract or communication project as the Full Super Moon activates your third/ninth house axis. Long distance travel or education may be on the agenda. Alternately you may be finishing up a social media, teaching or publishing project. Jupiter in your seventh house is still sending lucky wealth-building beams to Pluto in your eleventh house of hopes and wishes. Venus has now joined the party in Capricorn and when she hooks up with Pluto, later in the month, a connection with an older wealthy friend may turn passionate.

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