Full Super Moon in Gemini—Break out
of the familiar to explore new horizons.

Full Moon in GeminiAt 6:06 p.m. (CT) on December 13, 2016, the Super Moon at 22 degrees in mercurial Gemini opposes the Sun and Saturn in adventurous Sagittarius. This Super Moon falls across the third/ninth house axis asking us to balance our need to cling to familiar ideas and ways of living with the desire to explore new ideas, cultures and horizons. Master communicator Gemini loves sharing information, flirting, learning, and skimming the surface of a variety of things to avoid boredom. Inquisitive Sagittarius enjoys exploring new cultures and belief systems, teaching the value of positive thinking, and sometimes taking on too many projects with the hope of doing it all.

With the Sun in Sagittarius joining Saturn, things may feel heavy at this time. We may have been over-extending our time and energy, feeling restricted by a heavy workload, or dealing with authority figures that seem to block our efforts. Saturn on the Sun can also bring serious conversations or restrictions if we have been avoiding our obligations. We may struggle over how much time we are devoting to work while trying to squeeze in some time for fun and enjoyment as well.

Gemini’s ruler Mercury, now in Capricorn, is moving to connect with Pluto at this Full Moon before going into its fourth retrograde period of the year on December 19. Conversations may feel intense and we may need to consider our communication style—avoiding strong words, manipulative power struggles or bullying behavior. Mercury conjunct Pluto can also give us the ability to think critically and deeply as we see beneath the surface of situations. If we have been given “pie-in-the sky” promises, this Full Moon may bring uncomfortable truths to the surface. We may need to revisit goals or relationships during the retrograde period, making improvements as flaws are revealed—especially in a work or career situation.

All is not bleak however, since the Moon, Sun and Saturn are also in favorable aspect to Uranus in impulsive Aries. We may suddenly feel the need to break free from obligations to explore new terrain or adventures, giving voice to our unique talents and honoring our personal truths in the process. Opportunities may drop in from out of the blue. With Uranus in the mix, you can’t really predict what will happen—only that the experience will be unique and unexpected.

The Full Moon in Gemini forms a wide Grand Trine with Jupiter in Libra and Mars in Aquarius. This is favorable energy for achieving a goal that may involve innovative thinking, communication, technology, higher education, or spirituality as we collaborate with others to expand our horizons and knowledge in pursuit of a dream. Success comes easily under Grand Trine energy. In addition, Jupiter in Libra is in favorable aspect to Saturn in Sagittarius. With Saturn’s influence, although we are working hard, we can build something solid and stable if we are willing to work with others, forming partnerships that embrace a spirit of justice and equality. Our paths might lead us into new territories, but can culminate in global success—a success that may be shared by all.

Aries/Aries Rising

You may be wrapping up hard work involving an educational or communication project that will spotlight your unique personality as the Full Moon activates your third and ninth houses with blessings from Uranus in your first house. Commitments are lucky for you now as Jupiter transits your seventh house bringing wealth and abundance to partnerships. You have a powerful message to deliver that can bring major changes to your status as Mercury and Pluto hook up in your tenth house of career.

Taurus/Taurus Rising

The Full Moon activating your second and eighth houses can highlight issues concerning finances and self-worth. An authority figure may seem harsh and unsupportive, but you are determined to succeed with Mars charging through your tenth house. Jupiter in your sixth house of service may cause you to take on more than you can handle trying to prove yourself at work. Secrets may be revealed unexpectedly as the Full Moon touches Uranus in your twelfth house.

Gemini/Gemini Rising

This is YOUR FULL MOON Gemini! You may be cementing a serious partnership that could be in place forever as the Sun and Moon connect with Saturn in your seventh house. You are anxious to move on a creative project bringing a goal closer to completion, but not without a few surprises, as Uranus activates your eleventh house of friendship, hopes and dreams. A communication project that involves creative self-expression brings powerful financial support as Mercury and Pluto connect in your eighth house of shared resources.

Cancer/Cancer Rising

A health or psychological issue may come to the surface and need to be addressed as the Full Moon activates your sixth/twelfth house axis. You may need to rest or follow the doctor’s strict orders. Relationships experience a period of transformation that will require honest communication to solve any issues as Mercury connects with Pluto in your seventh house. Don’t engage in power struggles or manipulative behavior to get what you want. Venus brings financial support and more intimacy as she visits your eighth house.

Leo/Leo Rising

Romance or friendship may feel serious or restrictive as the Full Moon highlights your eleventh/fifth house axis and connects with Saturn. You may be involved in a romance that feels like a parent/child relationship. A creative project that involves communication, new technology, publishing or spirituality can bring a dream to fruition. Venus and Mars traveling through your seventh house can bring romantic fireworks to a relationship. Make love, not war! Neighbors and relatives can be lucky for you now as Jupiter visits your third house.

Virgo/Virgo Rising

You are trying to juggle career and family as the full moon activates your tenth/fourth house axis bringing issues to a head. Jupiter in your second house of money can bring in extra cash or trigger over spending on impulse. Think twice before clicking the purchase button! Powerful self-expression through art or writing helps transform a romantic relationship or creative project as Mercury connects with Pluto in your fifth house.

Libra/Libra Rising

You may get some unexpected flack from an older relative or neighbor as the Sun and Saturn meet in your third house. You are be ready to finalize plans to get out of town and explore new adventures or educational pursuits as the Moon culminates in your ninth house of higher education and foreign lands. Uranus brings excitement and unexpected changes to relationships, as you break out of the box. Mercury whispering to Pluto in your fourth house can stir up buried issues from the past leading to intense discussions at home.

Scorpio/Scorpio Rising

The Full Moon falling in your money houses may have you thinking seriously about your earning ability. Saturn has been teaching you tough lessons in money management. Issues may come to a head with an authority figure if you don’t feel supported or paid what you are worth. Don’t lose hope! Surprising developments may be revealed at work in the days ahead as Uranus and Jupiter lend support from the sixth and twelfth houses. Learn how to communicate from a position of strength, but don’t be drawn into manipulative power struggles instigated by others in your immediate environment.

Sagittarius/Sagittarius Rising

You may feel tired from working too hard as the Sun and Saturn merge in your first house. The Full Moon culminating your seventh house of partnerships may bring unexpected developments with a group of friends or lovers. Venus in your third house brings harmony when dealing with siblings and neighbors. You may find romance in the neighborhood as you zip around town running errands. Mercury connecting with Pluto in your second house may have you thinking up ways to transform your earning ability. Don’t come on too strong when expressing your needs and all will be fine.

Capricorn/Capricorn Rising

A psychological problem from the past may need to be faced as the Full Moon activates your sixth/twelfth house axis of service, secrets and self-undoing. You may be feeling tired from giving too much to others. Rest may be on the agenda if you have been driving yourself too hard. Your communication skills get a powerful boost from Pluto and Mercury as they connect in your first house—people are finally listening! Career success may be in the wings as Jupiter powers through your tenth house. Venus may bring an increase in salary as she blesses your second house.

Aquarius/Aquarius Rising

Venus breezing through your first house makes you extra charming around the holidays. The Full Moon in your fifth house brings a creative project to completion, but not without some heavy interference from authority figures. Pluto and Mercury in your twelfth may bring secrets to the surface or cause you to confront some demons as you release self-sabotaging habits. Your communication style is becoming ore innovative and lucrative. Technology or publishing may be lucky for you.

Pisces/Pisces Rising

The Full Moon brings a home project to completion as it activates your fourth house. Authority figures may seem harsh and restrictive as the Sun connects with Saturn in your tenth house. You may have to balance work with whatever is going on at home. Unexpected financial support may come from out of the blue as Uranus and Jupiter activate your money houses. You may have to call on a powerful person or group for help to reach a goal. Your words can move mountains and influence others at this time—choose them carefully but don’t resort to coercive or bullying behavior.

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