Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Pisces—
Confront your shadow and find
courage to heal old wounds.
The visionary Moon in Pisces at 24 degrees connects with wounded healer Chiron as it opposes the practical Sun in Virgo on Friday, September 16, 2016, at 2:05 p.m. (CST). This Full Moon, also a lunar eclipse, may bring hidden or repressed information to our consciousness as we balance the twelfth house of secrets, karma, and self-undoing with the sixth house of health, service and sacrifice. Have we been giving too much in service to others and neglecting our own needs? Do we need to take time out to rest, recharge, and heal our own wounds? Do we need to face the darkness within ourselves? Now is the time to confront and release any self-sabotaging, destructive behavior or negative self-talk hidden in the depths of the subconscious. With Virgo in the mix, this can be done with a fine-toothed comb as we release any blocks within our psyche to heal old wounds. To paraphrase psychologist Carl Jung, whatever we refuse to face within ourselves may be experienced externally as fate.
The twelfth house has long been known as the house of hidden enemies. If anyone has been working against us, it may be revealed at the Full Moon. More often than not, we are our own worst enemy as we project our shadow onto situations and people in the form of paranoia, critical evaluations or judgmental attitudes. The challenge at this full moon is to confront the shadow within and take back our projections. Courage to face our personal demons will help us break through any barriers preventing us from experiencing our beautiful divine light and connecting with others in more loving and harmonious ways.
Warrior Mars at 23 degrees Sagittarius forms a challenging “T-Square” aspect to the Full Moon, pushing our emotional buttons and attacking our ego. We may feel impatient and anxious to take action. Battles over beliefs and ideologies may ignite aggressive actions as Mars stirs up some cosmic dust. A favorable exact trine to revolutionary Uranus may bring surprises, sudden moves, or explosive events as Mars empowers us with courage to challenge the status quo. It’s fight or flight time and we may be in danger of going overboard in defending our cause on the road to freedom.
The way out of any conflict at this lunation is through honest communication and viewing situations from a variety of perspectives. Count to ten before charging into battle, get the facts, look over details, and communicate clearly to avoid any misunderstanding. With Mercury in retrograde until the end of the month, opposing Neptune, we may still be dealing with delays, mixed messages and mental confusion.
Venus at home in Libra opposing Uranus in Aries may bring sudden opportunities for love or creativity, if we have the courage to step out of our comfort zone and explore new adventures. Jupiter just entering diplomatic, peaceful Libra brings hope and abundance to relationships—a welcome change for the next 12 months!
Aries/Aries Rising
The Full Moon, activating your twelfth house of secrets and self-destructive behavior, may reveal a health or psychological problem you have been trying to manage under the radar. Confronting your personal demons allows you to turn them into strengths. Venus and Jupiter now residing in your seventh house bring harmony and optimism to partnerships. Mars in your ninth house of education and long distance travel energizes Uranus in your first house of self-expression. You are ready to display your unique and courageous persona to the world as you take action on your deeply held beliefs. Go for it Aries!
Taurus/Taurus Rising
The Full Moon may bring a creative group project to culmination as your eleventh and fifth houses are highlighted. Are you valued for the work that you do? This could be an expensive month as bills pile up. Mars in the eighth waving favorably to unpredictable Uranus in your twelfth house gives you the courage to break free from any mental blocks standing in the way of your financial success. Jupiter and Venus in your work sector support relationships with co-workers, bringing increased harmony to the office. Expanding your horizons gets you out of a rut and leads to more creative work that you will love. Don’t take on more than you can handle!
Gemini/Gemini Rising
Your career path or status in the community is in the spotlight as you try to balance pressures from work and home life. Don’t act in haste without considering the consequences as Mars travels through your seventh house of partnerships. Sudden developments can bring you closer to a long held dream as Mars triggers Uranus in your eleventh house of hopes and wishes. Jupiter and Venus in your fifth house bring luck involving children, romance or creativity.
Cancer/Cancer Rising
With the moon highlighting your Ninth house of mind expansion and long distance travel, you may complete a publishing or educational goal that propels you out of your comfort zone. Don’t let competitive tension with co-workers stress you out or affect your health. An unexpected career opportunity may bring you to escape velocity as Mars sends a signal to Uranus in your tenth house of status. Don’t be afraid to step out of the box! Jupiter moving into your fourth house for a 12-month stay brings abundance and good times. You may even upgrade your home environment or find the perfect place to live!
Leo/Leo Rising
Mars may create tension with a loved one or creative project as he visits your fifth house—make love not war! Siblings, neighbors and close relatives are ready to go the distance to help you out of any problems, but don’t push your luck too far. The Full Moon may rattle your self-worth or have you questioning available resources as your second and eighth houses are challenged. You are ready to roll with a unique approach to teaching or spirituality that may reach a global audience as Mars sends beneficial energy to Uranus in your ninth house.
Virgo/Virgo Rising
The Full Moon shines a bright light on relationship issues as it activates your seventh house of partnerships. You may be waking up to a few truths that had previously been hidden. Arguments may have you thinking of moving out or changing your career path as Mars activates your fourth house of home. Jupiter and Venus boost your self-esteem and your wallet as they travel through your second house of values. An unexpected connection may bring passion and healing intimacy to your life. Are you ready to confront your shadow and be transformed in the process?
Libra/Libra Rising
You are the golden child this year as Jupiter travels through your first house. Make the most of opportunities to expand your horizons, but be careful of expanding your waistline as both Jupiter and Venus may have you craving good food and sweets! A health issue may flare up with a close relative or sibling. You may be called upon to assist someone who is confined. Your presence is healing to loved ones, but don’t neglect your own health in the process of giving to others. If single, a passionate relationship may develop suddenly with someone in your own back yard. Courage to speak your truth will lead to positive, unexpected developments in love or business. Use your Venetian charm to get what you need!
Scorpio/Scorpio Rising
You may feel let down by a romantic partner, child or creative project as information comes to the surface about a goal or romantic dream. Venus in the twelfth house may have you pining over a secret love. Don’t let arguments over money affect your self-esteem as Mars in your second house forms a T-square to the Full Moon. Surprising developments on the job may eventually work out in your favor, so don’t give up the dream—“not now,” doesn’t mean “not ever!”
Sagittarius/Sagittarius Rising
You may be “chomping at the bit,” and anxious to culminate a housing or career goal as Mars in your first house triggers the Full Moon in your fourth/tenth house axis of home and career. Venus and Jupiter bring luck and abundance via friendships and group efforts as you work toward a dream. Unexpected surprises involving creativity or romance will catch you off guard but in a good way as Mars sends a favorable wink to Uranus in your fifth house of creative expression. Go after what you want in love or art, Sag—when you’re hot, you’re hot!
Capricorn/Capricorn Rising
You may be biting your tongue with repressed anger over a communication or marketing project involving higher education or publishing as Mars hides out in your twelfth house. Instead of resorting to passive aggression, try honest communication with co-workers to create a “win-win” that serves everyone’s needs. Jupiter brings amazing luck and expansion to your career sector as he enters your tenth house for a one-year stay. You are ready to share your wisdom and experience with the world. Sudden, unexpected developments from behind the scenes may cause you to move house or experience a unique living situation as Mars in the twelfth energizes Uranus in your fourth house.
Aquarius/Aquarius Rising
The Full Moon in your second house sheds light on your financial situation and earning ability. Thoughts of self-worth may occupy your mind, as you do some soul-searching about what you really value. It’s time to face reality and create a budget or plan that works. Mars can bring conflict with friends or colleagues if you act without considering the needs of others while working toward a goal. You may be anxious to begin an innovative media or technology project as Mars supports Uranus in your third house of communication. Teaching or learning new skills may be on the agenda now that Jupiter has moved into your ninth house of higher education.
Pisces/Pisces Rising
This is YOUR FULL MOON Pisces! You are waking up to truths about yourself and your relationship to others as your first and seventh houses are spotlighted.
Mars storming through your career sector gives you the courage to stand your ground when fighting for your position or status in the community. Surprising developments may have you questioning your values and self-worth. You may need to come up with unique solutions to a financial dilemma. Jupiter and Venus in the eighth will bring financial support and abundance from a partner’s resources, investments or other source of income—so don’t worry about any fluctuations in earnings. Powerful people are on your side—reach out to them!