Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Libra —
Bring harmony to partnerships with
communication and compassion

Full Moon Eclipse in LibraAt 7:01 a.m. (CT) on March 23, 2016, the Moon at 3 degrees Libra opposes the Sun in Aries, forming a partial lunar eclipse. This full moon highlights partnerships — asking us to balance the warrior, “lone wolf” energy of Aries with the peaceful, diplomatic energy of Libra to create balance, justice and “win-win” situations. Impatient Aries can sometimes appear selfish, taking a “me-first” attitude as he runs over others in pursuit of a goal. To keep the peace, Venus-ruled Libra often considers the demands of others first, before taking care of her own needs. Neither extreme is healthy for long-term happiness in a relationship. The solution lies in compromise, and consideration while working toward a fair outcome that satisfies both sides — creating a positive outcome for all. If a relationship or situation is eclipsed from our lives at this time, we must let it go to allow a better fit to emerge.

Our minds will be racing into overtime with ideas as Mercury conjuncts the Sun in Aries at this lunation. With Mercury in Aries, we may say things in haste that we later regret and need to make peace afterward. Think before you speak this week or you will be eating a shoe leather sandwich!

Mars in Sagittarius, “chomping at the bit” for adventure, is sending us rockets of optimism and confidence as he energizes our desire to take action and stand out from the crowd. Mars is also sending a positive beam to the Moon in Libra, who is asking us to soften our approach with charm and grace as we work with others.

Love Goddess Venus merges with compassionate Neptune in Pisces, as they oppose Jupiter and the North Node in Virgo. This is soul-union energy — as long as we don’t go overboard into co-dependency or servitude! Chiron in Pisces conjunct the South Node encourages us to release the past, healing any wounds that are enslaving us.

We may get caught up in a dreamy romance, or escape from reality with a good book or movie. Making love, art or music is perfect for the energy of this configuration, as well as participating in meditation or a spiritual practice that allows us to commune with the divine within—or with other dimensions. A T-square from Saturn in Sagittarius will keep us from going off the deep end. The way out of any tight spots at this time is through the Gemini gift of communication. It is important to keep the lines open and light to keep the peace.

Aries/Aries Rising

Honest communication can bring harmony to partnerships as you reveal your hidden feelings to someone special. Your secrets may be revealed at this moon, and a relationship may be eclipsed from your life if you have been insensitive or too self-involved to consider the needs of a loved one. Exploring past karmic wounds and limiting beliefs can bring healing and help you find a solution to a health or work issue.

Taurus/Taurus Rising

Being a martyr in service of a friend can make you feel like a victim and affect your health if you don’t set limits to how much you are able to give. If you’ve been juggling too many projects, don’t feel guilty for taking time out to recharge. You need a break from trying to do it all. Getting together with friends or an artistic group allows you to honor your inner child, bringing joy and optimism back to your life.

Gemini/Gemini Rising

Working with others on an innovative creative project brings success to the team as it reaches completion this week. You may be feeling idealistic about a career goal. Skillful communication helps lighten the mood of an authority figure as you discuss what’s expected of you in both professional and personal relationships.

Cancer/Cancer Rising

You may have some negotiating to do if you have been spending too much time at work and neglecting to nurture yourself and loved ones. A mother figure or important woman may be eclipsed from your life if you can’t find a way to compromise. Don’t be a slave to your job! Long distance travel, spirituality or a foreign adventure may help heal a relationship, or bring romance back to your life.

Leo/Leo Rising

Your unconventional ideas may cause conflict with a close relative or sibling as you clash over ideologies and spiritual beliefs. Agreeing to disagree helps keep the peace. Jupiter boosts your self-esteem as your life is transformed by a dreamy, soul mate connection. Intimacy can bring healing at a deep level, helping you confront your darker side and release your demons.

Virgo/Virgo Rising

You’ve got the luck of the Irish when it comes to relationships this week as benevolent Jupiter transits your 1st house and Venus joins Neptune in the 7th. Just be sure you are not looking at your soul mate through rose-colored glasses as you put down roots together. You may need to negotiate issues concerning money and shared resources as sudden new information comes to light, or a source of income comes to an end.

Libra/Libra Rising

The lunar eclipse in your sign helps you find the confidence to release what no longer serves you. Relationships may be changed to better suit your needs. Love inspires you to take better care of yourself as you start a new health program. You are ready to put an end to sacrificing too much to keep the peace.

Scorpio/Scorpio Rising

Things come to a head at work and may bring conflict if you feel you are sacrificing too much. Defend your position if you feel victimized, but think twice before you speak. A woman may be eclipsed from your life as secrets and hidden agendas are revealed. A stable romance with someone you meet through friends or a creative group project helps heal past wounds. Be realistic but don’t let limiting beliefs or fears hold you back from a new adventure.

Sagittarius/Sagittarius Rising

A group project that allows you to showcase your talents and communication skills comes to completion as the lunar eclipse lights up your 5th and 11th house sectors. Serious Saturn and passionate Mars in your first house gives you energy and determination to pursue a goal, but don’t neglect important partnerships. You may beautify your home as Venus meets Neptune in the 4th house, making it a spiritual healing sanctuary or place to escape from the demands of life. A creative project or dream lover helps you feel more optimistic about career expansion.

Capricorn/Capricorn Rising

A spiritual teacher from a foreign country, spiritual group or university may help you heal past relationship wounds and limiting beliefs that have been blocking your success. This helps you to pursue your true karmic path. A communication project may expand through social media. The lunar eclipse in your 10th house may bring changes to your career path as you release past conditioning from your parents that has been holding you back.

Aquarius/Aquarius Rising

Venus and Neptune in your 2nd house and Jupiter in the 8th house may bring money to you from a creative or spiritual project. Mars and Saturn are stirring up your 11th house of friendship, hopes and dreams. You can reach a goal, but it will involve hard work and determination. The lunar eclipse in your 9th house may bring a project to completion that involves higher education or spirituality. A communication or writing project that includes cutting edge technology helps you showcase your skills. A powerful person behind the scenes is on your side.

Pisces/Pisces Rising

With Venus and Neptune in your 1st house, you appear more glamorous and charming. This is a great time to update your wardrobe or schedule beauty appointments. Jupiter in the 7th brings luck to partnerships and may even bring a wealthy partner or collaborator. You may need to juggle work responsibilities before you get swept away on a new adventure! The Lunar eclipse in your 8th house of shared resources may reveal surprises as you negotiate a financial deal. The Sun and Mercury in the 2nd house boosts self-confidence and provides enough “money-making” ideas to make up for any losses.

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