Full Moon in Virgo —
Use compassion and discernment
to bring a dream to fruition.
The Sun in Pisces is swimming close to Neptune during this full moon at 3 degrees Virgo on February 22, 2016. Pisces and Neptune rule spirituality, compassion, sacrifice, creativity, seeing the big picture, being part of something greater than our individual egos. Virgo focuses on discernment, gathering facts and figures, keeping track of specific details while striving for perfection. While both signs are concerned with serving others, their approach is different. Metaphysical Pisces is about creating a compassionate vision that honors all sentient beings, the beautiful altruistic dream where all are one, connected in divine love. Earthy, grounded Virgo is graced with discipline and discernment, taking care of the many details needed to bring that divinely inspired dream or goal to life. This moon may, in fact, bring closure or fruition to activities begun at the last new moon in Virgo, September 2015.
With the moon highlighting the Pisces/Virgo axis, we are called to find a balance between our compassion for others, brought about by an inner knowing that we are part of a greater whole, and our tendency to notice the imperfections in life and others as we work to fulfill our karmic mission. We are both the wave and the ocean. We are part of the vast reservoir of potentiality — where all things are possible — dreaming the world into being. As we contribute our divine energy to the cosmic creation, we are also being called to celebrate our unique existence and the special gifts we bring to the table of life.
Seeing Clearly
Neptune merging with the Sun can sometimes bring deception or confusion to a situation. On a mundane level, this can be a time when we get caught up in pursuing the dream, not noticing the flaws as our hearts are filled with compassion and love. As the Sun meets Neptune, we must be careful of falling under the spell of fuzzy logic, self-deception and idealistic thinking. If we are not seeing things clearly, the Virgo full moon cautions us to use discernment. It is important to pay attention to facts and details when making decisions at this time.
Service, Not Servitude
We do not need to be a martyr in the name of service. If we have been sacrificing too much of ourselves for others, now is the time to return balance to our lives and purge any soul-destroying behavior or people from our lives.
With support from Saturn in Sagittarius in favorable aspect to Uranus in Aries, we can break free from limiting beliefs by taking courageous action as we choose new paths of self-expression. It is time to be liberated from anything that does not honor our self worth. We must end relationships and situations that steal our energy — setting healthy boundaries as we work to honor our gifts and fulfill our dreams. The time is ripe for change!
Merging with Source Energy
When the Sun forms an exact conjunction to Neptune in the last days of February, it will be a great time to escape from the problems of the world by creating art or music, meditating or participating in a spiritual practice. We can merge with the cosmic consciousness to bring forth a beautiful creation or dream that is uniquely our own!