Full Moon in Taurus —
Bring your dreams to life!

Full moon in TaurusThe moon will be full at 12:05 p.m. Universal Time (7:05 a.m. Central Time) on October 27, 2015. This final super moon of 2015 falls in the gentle sign of Taurus at 3°44’, opposing the Sun in passionate Scorpio.

Full moons are always about finding the balance between opposing forces — a blending of opposites for the best outcome. Venus-ruled Taurus, the bull, loves to be left alone, peacefully enjoying the sensual delights of nature, good food, music, and the secure comforts of a beautiful, tranquil home, while Scorpio, known as a gray lizard and/or eagle, craves intensity — stirring up demons or creatures of the night; facing the soul gripping intensity of events like death, sex, transformation and everything that lies hidden behind the veil of existence. Scorpio loves going to extremes in action and emotion. But, we are asked to take the middle road at this time as we work to fulfill our dreams — to balance our passion with practicality and carefully planned actions.

A full moon often represents endings or the final result of actions begun at the new moon, so, we may, in fact, release a few demons at this time. But, this is basically a friendly moon with no extremely challenging aspects. Saturn in Sagittarius keeps us grounded in faith and reality as spiritual support from Neptune helps us bring our most imaginative dreams, hopes and wishes to life.

Pluto in Capricorn gives powerful support to Jupiter, Venus and Mars in Virgo. Benevolent Jupiter and Venus can bring love and abundance to our lives. Mars gives the courage to take action and energizes us to build something stable in the physical realm. Dreams and goals that have been grounded in reality, with attention to detail, may come to abundant fruition at this time.

Uranus in Aries opposes Mercury in Libra and Dark Moon Lilith. New ways of thinking may create breakdowns and/or breakthroughs in relationships. We may experience surprising events, rebellious behavior or messages delivered with a sense of urgency.

The North Node is at 29 degrees in Virgo, so maybe those who have felt victimized, overworked, or have been giving too much to others will soon be released from this karmic burden as we move toward more equality and balance in relationships.

The message of this full moon is to ask ourselves… What do we value about ourselves and about others? How do others value us? What is the true value of anything in our lives? What makes us feel secure? Are we filling our lives with objects and superficial things to take the place of an inner security that comes from true self worth? Are we sweeping things under the rug to keep the peace? Do we need to slow down, and take a break from work or service to nurture ourselves? What are we passionate about? What have we kept hidden that needs to be brought to the surface and faced or released? Do we have the courage to reveal our deepest feelings and passions at this time?

The moon highlights these issues. If we have the courage to deal with them, we may experience a transformation that creates something that is truly a dream come true!

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