Full Moon in Sagittarius—
Dare to Live Your Truth!
The full moon at 11 degrees, 49 minutes Sagittarius will be exact on June 2, 2015, at 17:19 GMT. The Moon, symbol for the soul and our inner selves shown only to those closest to us, is in the sign of the archer. Straight- shooting Sagittarius, known for optimism, love of philosophy, spirituality, and charting new paths, is the explorer of the zodiac on a quest for truth and faith. This full moon highlights a time when our collective souls are crying out for adventure. We feel a strong need to answer that call by living our truth in ever expanding and expressive ways.
A stellium with messenger Mercury, the majestic Sun and warrior Mars in Gemini opposes the moon. This creates tension as we attempt to reconcile our words and beliefs with our actions—to fight for our personal truths, while recognizing that no one individual or group has the market on Truth—all truths must be heard and respected. Mars, conjunct the Sun in Gemini, is anxious to deliver a multi-faceted message that quells our boredom and strokes our egos. “It’s time to walk our talk and show the world who we are and where our passions lie,” he proclaims!
Not So Fast!
Mercury, napping in a retrograde phase, forms a square to nebulous Neptune. A mutable T-square formed by Neptune in Pisces midway between the Sun/Moon opposition along the Sagittarius/Gemini axis adds confusion, self-doubt, a desire to escape from reality and possibly a little insanity—not a good time to speak recklessly, take on more than we can handle, make important decisions or sign on the dotted line. Neptune square Mercury retrograde asks us to wait before rushing optimistically toward our goals. “Do we have all the facts? Are we seeing things clearly? What information are we missing or misunderstanding? Are we communicating properly? Is there anything lurking in the shadows within ourselves, or others that we need to observe and bring into the light of this adventurous moon?”
Neptune, at home in Pisces, advises, “Before we go half-cocked in pursuit of our dreams, we must define our true intentions. Do our goals include compassion, sacrifice and service to others, or are we only thinking of our own glory during this quest?” Neptune dissolves whatever it touches and this time it must be our egos. We are all one Neptune advises, and must consider how our actions affect the whole. “Whatever you do to the least of My breathren…”
A Way Out…
Pluto in Capricorn, forming a supportive sextile aspect to Neptune, shows us one way out of the challenging T-square. The dark lord of transformation whispers in a low and powerful voice, “Are we ready to get real, to go deep, to face the darkness within ourselves and society? Are we prepared to do the work?” If yes, then proceed. He will lend us the power to transform ourselves along with others on the way to a better world—to catch the “rising wave that lifts all boats.”
A Grand Fire Trine formed by Jupiter in Leo and Uranus in Aries offers another way out. Unpredictable, rebellious Uranus in Aries sounds the battle cry for freedom and authenticity, while Jupiter in generous Leo crowns us with luck, faith, hope and an abundance mentality to help us through this cycle.
Even the North Node at 7 degrees Libra sends favorable energy to this full moon. The North Node in Libra states, “The way to our karmic destiny is through diplomacy, respect, justice, cooperation and teamwork, not a ‘winner-take-all’ mentality. Dare to live the dream through our unique contributions to society—but make sure it is a dream that does not darken the light of any other living being on our planet.”
Those born with the Sun, Moon or Ascendant in Sagittarius or Gemini will feel this moon strongly, as well as those who have any personal planets or angles in tight aspect to this configuration.