Full Moon in Aquarius—
Walk the path of authenticity within
the playground of creation!

Full Moon in AquariusThe sensitive Moon in futuristic Aquarius opposes the brilliant Sun in playful Leo at 25 degrees on the morning of August 18, 2016, (4:27 a.m., CDT). Uranus at 24 degrees Aries is in favorable aspect to this lunation so expect the unexpected—but in a good way! The challenge at each full moon is to balance the opposing needs of our ego (Sun) with the desires of our soul (Moon). With this configuration, the Sun shining through the filter of Leo wants us to stand out from the crowd and be noticed as special with it’s “Look-at-me, Ma!” playful attitude. The forward-thinking Aquarian Moon insists that everyone is special—connected at the soul level—as we add our unique contributions to the vast playground of creation.

As ruler of Aquarius, rebellious Uranus has significant influence at this full moon, encouraging us to break free of any self-imposed restrictions to express our true essence, and use our most innovative gifts to bring the collective soul to a higher level of consciousness. Uranus and the Moon in Aquarius may bring “lightning-like” intuitive flashes of awareness, waking us from lethargic complacency to help bring our hopes and dreams back to life.

Venus in Virgo is sending kisses to Pluto in Capricorn at this lunation. Venus rules love, art and money, so we may experience transformations in our relationships or our earning ability as intense, passionate, emotions, or power-hungry, manipulative agendas are revealed. Creativity is powerfully expressed in art, music or poetry with this aspect. Mars is moving toward a conjunction with Saturn in Sagittarius on August 24th, activating the Saturn/Neptune square. Reality may explode into our awareness, forcing us to take aggressive, disciplined action to solve any problems that might appear. Passions are running hot this month. We have a choice—make love, art or war! Hopefully, we will choose the peaceful option.

Mercury joins Jupiter in Virgo forming a “Yod” configuration with the Moon in Aquarius and Uranus in Aries. The Yod, known as the “Finger of God or Fate” in astrology, occurs when two planets 60 degrees (or sextile) from each other also form a triangular shaped inconjunct aspect to a third planet 150 degrees away. Jupiter and Mercury at the apex of this Yod have a spiritual message to deliver. We are called to break free from rigid thinking and inflexible belief systems to join energies at the collective soul level as we collaborate to create a world that is free from fear, hate, prejudice, and self-serving behavior. We are called to live our truth from a place of authenticity as we work to serve the greater good.

Venus will be joining Jupiter later in the month to bless us with an increase in abundance and harmony. With support from Venus, Mercury and Jupiter, we can dream a new world into being. Our collective energies can help create a new world based on truth, hope and love. Our visions must include service to humanity, where the needs and beliefs of the many are honored as much as the needs of the one, leading us toward a more enlightened spiritual path. A path paved with love, compassion and abundance for all living things!

Aries/Aries Rising

You are an agent of change this month with Uranus in your first house. The Full Moon culminates in unexpected forms of self-expression as you bring groups and friends together to tackle global issues from a spiritual perspective. Operate from a place of compassionate service to humanity and you are golden. Pluto in your tenth house trine Venus in the sixth transforms your status in the world. Leave “fault-finding” behavior by the wayside as you communicate your message with love.

Taurus/Taurus Rising

You may have been hiding your unique gifts under a rock with Uranus traveling through your house of secrets, but, they may be revealed at this Full Moon. The world will see your unconventional side as the Full Moon activates your tenth house of status. Mercury, Venus and Jupiter in your fifth house encourage you to have fun honoring your inner child this month as you communicate a spiritual message to the masses. Romance may also be on the agenda!

Gemini/Gemini Rising

You are the communication king or queen this month with the Sun in your third house, but the fun is happening on the home front as a stellium of benevolent planets camp out to bring you abundance, love, and out-of-the-box conversations—party on! Saturn and Mars stir things up in your partnership sector forcing you to face reality about an important relationship. Pluto in your eighth house in trine to Venus may bring passionate love or money. Uranus brings surprises involving friendships or group projects. A dream may be on the verge of becoming a reality if you are not afraid to break free and embrace change.

Cancer/Cancer Rising

The Full Moon falling across your second/eighth house axis smiling at Uranus in your 10th house of status highlights unexpected events involving your career and earning ability. You may decide to choose an unconventional career path or explore an innovative direction that delivers more freedom of expression. Expanding your horizons and getting your message out is successful now with Mercury and Jupiter in your third house of communication. Venus trine Pluto offers financial support and powerful partnerships that help transform your communication style.

Leo/Leo Rising

Partnerships in love and business are highlighted at this Full Moon as you learn to balance your desires with the needs of others. Mars and Saturn butting heads in your fifth house of creativity may cause fireworks to erupt with romantic partners or children. Mercury, Venus and Jupiter in your second house can bring financial abundance around a communication or writing project. Your self-confidence rises as Uranus brings sudden events involving publishing, long distance travel, social media, spirituality or higher education. Avoid power struggles or manipulation in love, money or creativity as Venus dances with Pluto. Taming your passionate nature without going to extremes of emotion will harness the wealth building aspect of this configuration.

Virgo/Virgo Rising

You are blessed with abundance, charm and the gift of gab with Mercury, Venus and Jupiter traveling through your first house. The Full Moon may shed light on a health or work issue, so take it easy this month. Arguments may come to a head at home as Mars and Saturn join together in your fourth house. Make sure partners are being honest or transparent with you, especially over a money issue. Work through any frustration by doing something physical around the house like yard work or exercise. An intense romantic attraction may knock your socks off as Venus flirts with Pluto this month.

Libra/Libra Rising

You may have expansive plans or wonderful news that you are not ready to share with Mercury, Venus and Jupiter moving through your house of secrets. A long-term partnership may produce sudden changes or surprises, giving you the freedom to make a dream real. Fun and creativity involving a romantic partner or group of friends allow you to express your unconventional side as the Full Moon highlights your fifth/eleventh house axis. Enjoy being the life of the party this month—get out and socialize!

Scorpio/Scorpio Rising

You may need to curb spending as Mars and Saturn gang up in your house of money. Home and career matters are highlighted at this Full Moon as unexpected behavior from co-workers take you by surprise. A love interest may seem like a dream fulfilled, but take another look to make sure they are for real. Creative projects bring you joy as you express your special gifts in powerful ways. An intense, passionate love may develop with someone from your local environment or through a group endeavor—get out and mingle, but avoid power struggles and dangerous types!

Sagittarius/Sagittarius Rising

You are feeling feisty as Mars and Saturn connect in your first house. Go for a brisk walk before exploding in anger and saying something you will later regret. A labor of love transforms your self-esteem and your earnings as Pluto in the second connects favorably with Venus in your tenth house of career. Jupiter and Mercury join the party to bring you success with a communication or teaching project. Your innovative style helps you communicate your message in a creative way. This may open up an unconventional path giving you the freedom to express the real you. Have fun flying that flag Sag!

Capricorn/Capricorn Rising

The Full Moon brings certain truths to light about your earning ability and financial resources. Mars and Saturn whispering in your twelfth house of secrets may stir up a few hidden enemies or re-activate self-sabotaging behavior around authority figures. Surprising developments may have you thinking of moving house to distant lands or enrolling in a class to learn new skills. A publishing venture, media project or foreign connection may bring financial benefits that help you return to your soul path. With Pluto transiting through your first house, you are ready to take back your power.

Aquarius/Aquarius Rising

This is YOUR Full Moon, Aquarius! The world will soon see your genius and innovative vision as you successfully wrap up a media or communication project that highlights your special skills. You may butt heads with friends or a social group over financial matters if discussions or contracts have not been clearly defined as Saturn and Mars cause trouble in your eleventh house. Jupiter, Mercury and Venus in your eighth house of other people’s money can bring financial support helping to expand your horizons. A powerful person from behind the scenes may fund one of your goals, freeing you to follow an unconventional spiritual path that is part of your karmic mission.

Pisces/Pisces Rising

You will need to rest and recharge from career stress as the Full Moon lights up your twelfth house. If you have been neglecting your health, you will realize that it is time to slow down a bit and take better care of yourself. There may be one more crisis to deal with as Mars activates Saturn in your tenth house of status on August 24th, forcing you to shake the fairy dust from your eyes and take action. Your power in the community is on the rise with Pluto in your eleventh house. Surprising fluctuations in your earnings may have you considering innovative ways to bring in more funds as Uranus transits your second house. Partnerships are golden this month with the North Node, Mercury, Venus and Jupiter in your seventh house. Avoid power struggles or manipulation. Being transparent in love or business negotiations ensures all will go well.

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