Full Moon in Sagittarius and Summer Solstice—
Seek the TRUTH and choose to transform!
The Moon in Sagittarius opposes the Sun in Gemini (29 degrees, 32 minutes) on June 20, 2015, at 6:02 a.m. (CT). Eleven and one-half hours later at 5:34 p.m. (CT), we welcome the Summer Solstice as the Sun enters the sign of Cancer. The last time a full moon and summer solstice fell on the same day was in 1967, so this is a rare and special event!
Last month on May 21, the full moon occurred at 1 degree Sagittarius and was activated by warrior Mars and peace-loving Venus. This second full moon in Sagittarius has support from Venus in Cancer and no difficult aspects. This lunation also occurs at 29 degrees, which in astrology represents a critical degree of karmic culmination. We are ending a karmic cycle this month, finishing up a period of self-mastery.
The Summer Solstice begins when the Sun enters 0 degrees Cancer. The 0 degree point in a cardinal sign is also significant in astrology, signifying a major new beginning or cycle. With both happening on the same day, we have the ending of a karmic cycle with the Full Moon, and the beginning of a major new cycle with the Solstice. In addition, we are entering into a powerful time of positive, transformative expansion as Jupiter, the North Node and Pluto form an exact trine aspect on June 26th. These configurations can mean that we will experience major turning points in our lives this month and next, beginning with the new moon in Cancer. We are heading toward a new karmic path, not just as individuals, but also as a global family.
The Grand Mutable Square challenged our beliefs, dreams, communication styles and self-sacrificing behavior at the beginning of June—now, we are finally waking up to the truth! During this time, we may have fought battles over ideology, set boundaries with others who have pushed us too far, or experienced a few shake-ups in our world. We can no longer exist in a state of dreamy denial, but must release what no longer serves and move on to a more authentic way of being.
Mercury at 11 degrees Gemini opposes Saturn at 11 degrees Sagittarius, forming a square with Neptune at 12 degrees Pisces, as Jupiter in Virgo moves away from the Grand Mutable Cross configuration. We must not fall into negative thinking, depression or despair after seeing the truth and reality of any situation. Instead, we may need to initiate a few difficult conversations and change our way of thinking, or acting, forming more realistic strategies as we work to fulfill our goals.
Venus in Cancer at 3 degrees forms an out-of-sign conjunction to the Sun at this lunation. This reminds us that we need to choose love over fear, peaceful co-existence over war and destruction. We must drop any ego-based posturing and rigid world-views to become more loving and compassionate toward others. It is also time to nurture our bodies, feed our souls, and heal our deepest wounds. With Dark Moon Lilith also forming a trine at 3 degrees Scorpio, we must go deep and not be afraid to express our love or reveal what we need from others to feel fulfilled. This can pave the way to peace, reconciliation and healing.
This full moon will reveal many truths at this time, helping us to navigate through confusing events or relationships. We can use the powerful energy of the full moon and solstice to release old patterns of thinking and reacting, ending karmic situations that no longer serve our best interests, as we move into new, more empowered paths—that are based on love, abundance, compassion and peaceful co-existence.
Aries/Aries Rising
You may go public with your emotions this month as you realize how much you care for someone. You are ready to reveal your passionate side with Lilith in your eighth house of intimacy and deep sharing. Venus traveling through your fourth house sets the stage for love and beauty on the home front—a great time to decorate as you feather your love nest!
Taurus/Taurus Rising
The full moon in your second/eighth house axis brings success, money and self confidence as projects reach culmination. Your communication style, and relationships with neighbors or relatives get a boost from Venus in the third house, making you the “belle of the ball” this month. A relationship may get steamy as someone unexpectedly reveals passionate feelings for you!
Gemini/Gemini Rising
You’ve been working on your appearance and it shows, changing how you are seen in the world and at work. Venus traveling though your second house this month brings money and boosts your feelings of self worth. Secret talks with the boss or a conservative partner may leave you feeling confused about your life direction.
A health or employment crisis may come to an end, but you may still have your work cut out for you while trying to follow a healthier exercise and/or diet plan. You can get a new lease on life with discipline and a change in your thinking. With Venus traveling through your first house, you appear more beautiful and charming this month. This may even attract new love into your life, or a new beginning within a current partnership!
Leo/Leo Rising
Things may come to a head this month and you may have difficult words with a friend over money or shared resources. A loved one or child may seem cold or unsympathetic to your situation. You may feel like hiding from the spotlight as you contemplate a secret love affair or hidden feelings for someone you love.
Virgo/Virgo Rising
Hard work brings career success and public recognition as you complete a humanitarian project at the full moon. You may be hanging out with artistic or creative types this month as Venus transits your eleventh house, bringing wealth, joy and greater harmony to friendships and group interests.
Libra/Libra Rising
You are ready to go public with a new love or career path as the Sun and Venus connect in your 10th house of career and status. Major changes are happening at home with Pluto transiting your fourth house. Legal issues or contracts may need to be worked out as Mercury and Saturn oppose each other. Read the fine print before signing on the dotted line!
Scorpio/Scorpio Rising
You are feeling impatient or rebellious with Black Moon Lilith and Mars in your first house. Choose your words carefully when discussing money issues with relatives or loved ones at a distance. Release your attachment to a manipulative person who wants to draw you into power struggles this month. With Neptune going retrograde in your fifth house of romance, don’t let a lover pull the wool over your eyes when signing contracts or discussing financial matters.
Sagittarius/Sagittarius Rising
You have been working hard, but the pay-off comes with a boost in salary as Venus and the Sun enter your eighth house of shared resources and funding. Career success is yours as Jupiter and Pluto form a wealth-building trine at the end of the month. You are feeling valued at last!
Capricorn/Capricorn Rising
You may finally break free of karmic debt or self-destructive behavior this month as the full moon activates your sixth/twelfth house axis. Wealth may come from a distance, social media or higher education as Jupiter activates Pluto on June 26th. More harmony in relationships is a given with Venus in the seventh house boosting your charm and diplomatic skills.
Aquarius/Aquarius Rising
Friendships may end or change with the Full Moon highlighting your fifth/eleventh house axis, ending a karmic cycle and showing truths about groups or friendships in your life. Stop spending money or energy on those who are taking advantage of your kindness. A new project will showcase your creative skills, bringing harmony to the office and with co-workers.
Pisces/Pisces Rising
You may be finishing up a work or home-related project at this Full Moon. You can now focus your energy on romance, children, creativity or friendship this month as Venus and the Sun enter your fifth house. All work and no play is not healthy, so nurture your inner child this month Pisces. A powerful person or group may finance one of your dreams when Pluto and Jupiter meet up at the end of June.