New Super Moon in Taurus—Planting
seeds for stability and abundance!

New Moon in TaurusA stellium of planets line up in Taurus for the New Super Moon on May 6, 2016, at 2:30 p.m. (CT). The moon in Taurus at 16 degrees joins the Sun and is supported by cosmic buddies Mercury and Venus in this sultry configuration. Taurus is all about enjoying sensual delights—good food, good friends, cozy couches, soft fabrics and lighting, music, art and anything that just FEELS GOOD for body and soul. This lunar configuration asks us to take a break from our chaotic agendas to smell the fragrance of life, slowing down enough to enjoy the beauty that surrounds us. This is Earth Goddess energy and we should take time to appreciate and honor our planet in all her splendor. Taurus also rules the 2nd house of self-worth and values. Questions to ask at this time are: What do we value? What do we really need to feel secure? How do we honor and nurture ourselves as we contemplate our place in the grand wheel of life?

Mercury and Venus join the Sun and Moon adding charm and sweetness to communication and slow, careful thinking to our plans. Mother Earth Taurus brings solid, steady, and determined energy to anything we initiate at this time. We are encouraged to plant seeds in our actual gardens, or metaphorically, in the gardens of our lives, and watch what grows throughout the summer!

A major favorable aspect in effect at this new moon is the GRAND EARTH TRINE with Jupiter, the North Node and Pluto. With support from powerful, intense Pluto and expansive, lucky Jupiter, we can plant seeds that will lead to an abundant harvest this summer and fall. Pluto and Jupiter in favorable aspect can bring wealth and abundance when they hit sensitive points in a personal chart. The Grand Trine can bring easy, bountiful energy to our efforts, but only if we choose to act on opportunities presented to us at this time. We must not be dozing on the front porch when opportunity knocks!

Neptune, planet of dreams, is favorable to the moon. This can be a time of new beginnings as we work toward achieving a cherished goal or dream. This is romantic, fairy dust energy, encouraging us to dream a new world into being.

The only cloud in the sky comes from Saturn in an uncomfortable aspect to the new moon and Jupiter. Saturn’s job is to keep us grounded in reality, but his influence is overshadowed by the powerful, generous energy of the Grand Earth Trine. Although five planets are in retrograde at the new moon, Jupiter will soon station direct on May 9th, restoring faith, hope and luck to our aspirations. We are encouraged to plant seeds of desire, have faith in our abilities and visualize positive outcomes that will result in an auspicious harvest when forward-moving cosmic weather blesses our goals at the end of summer.

Aries/Aries Rising

The new moon falling in your second house offers powerful new beginnings in your earning ability as career success and recognition help you soar to new heights on the job or in your community. You are learning what is valuable about yourself and others. A powerful position is yours for the taking!

Taurus/Taurus Rising

This is YOUR NEW SUPER MOON Taurus and a GRAND EARTH TRINE too! You are golden this month with the new moon highlighting your first house. New beginnings in the way you present yourself in the world may bring romance and adventure to your life. Saturn in your house of resources and other people’s money helps you see the truth about intimacy or financial issues. Are you ready for a more serious soul-body connection?

Gemini/Gemini Rising

The new moon in your 12th house may have you dreaming of the past and any issues left over from early childhood. Psychological breakthroughs can help stabilize relationships as you agree to honor your commitments and drop self-sabotaging behavior. The grand trine in your home and resource areas give you the support you need to make your home a sanctuary—allowing intimacy to grow.

Cancer/Cancer Rising

You have tremendous support from friends and/or group associations to reach a goal or dream involving social media, writing or a communication project. Relationships with those in power are favorable now. Hard work or a health issue may cramp your social life, so don’t over tax yourself this month!

Leo/Leo Rising

You are headed for the top with a new, stable work opportunity that also increases your income and self-worth. Romance or relationships with children may be burdensome if you are not living up to your obligations. You have the opportunity to make powerful changes in your work habits or health care that will transform your life for the better. Give up addictions, or other vampires that are sucking your resources dry.

Virgo/Virgo Rising

You may begin working with an educational institution or spiritual group that helps you express your creativity in a powerful new ways. Jupiter in your first house can increase your body mass or weight so don’t over indulge as you celebrate your success! Obligations or expenses at home may disrupt your peace, but your optimism has no bounds during this Grand Earth Trine. You can establish something solid now—let your light shine!

Libra/Libra Rising

The new moon in your house of intimacy and shared resources can transform your home life. You may be re-building your house from the ground up, breaking away from an oppressive situation at home, or finally dealing with childhood issues that have been lurking in your subconscious. Communication with neighbors and relatives gets serious if secret beliefs are revealed at this time. Arguments over ideology or belief systems may need to be dealt with diplomatically. Don’t hide your opinions or your good vibes, let your joy out for the world to see!

Scorpio/Scorpio Rising

You can begin more stable relationships in love or work now with the Taurus super moon in your 7th house of partnerships. This can seem like a dream fulfilled. Friendships and groups can help you feel more optimistic about life, and help you escape an intense situation involving a powerful, controlling relative or sibling in your local environment. You are learning tough lessons in self-worth and money management with Saturn in your 2nd house. Love is romantic and dreamy with Neptune in your 5th house.

Sagittarius/Sagittarius Rising

With Jupiter in your 10th adding luck and expansion to your career and a powerful new moon in your house of health and employment, look for your dream job this month and you just might find it! All work and no play can make you appear too serious or aggressive with Saturn and Mars in your first house, so lighten up! Pluto in the 2nd transforms your earning ability as part of the Grand Earth Trine highlighting your work sectors. You will be taken seriously—so don’t worry—your career aspects are golden.

Capricorn/Capricorn Rising

The super moon highlights your 5th house, bringing abundance and stability to a new romance or creative project. With Pluto in your 1st house, and Jupiter in your 9th, you are giving off powerful vibes that can lead to success and wealth involving spirituality, education, social media, or people from around the globe. Authority figures behind the scenes may try to stomp on your joy or good luck from the grand trine. Keep calm and whisper to yourself, “You can’t touch this!”

Aquarius/Aquarius Rising

You can beautify your home this month with the Sun, Moon, Mercury and Venus camping out in your 4th house. Jupiter in your 8th house of resources helps you get the funds you need to do the work. Work may keep you from socializing with friends, so choose carefully how to spend your limited time. Don’t sign any contracts while Mercury is retrograde. Do your research, tweak projects already begun and make your big splash when the planets go direct later this summer.

Pisces/Pisces Rising

The new moon in your 3rd house improves communication issues and relationships with neighbors or siblings. You may even meet a dream lover through friends, social networking or while running around town—keep your eyes open! Powerful friends or groups are lucky for you now and can lead to stability and abundance in partnerships. Take a break from work this month to appreciate the beauty in your own backyard.

Find out how the New Super Moon and Grand Earth Trine can bring wealth and abundance to YOUR LIFE… Schedule an in-depth, personal astrology forecast or tarot reading TODAY!

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