Full Moon in Scorpio —
What do you desire with
“all or nothing” intensity?
The intense moon in Scorpio opposes the tranquil sun in Taurus, 23 minutes after midnight (CT) on Friday morning, April 22, 2016. This powerful moon seeks to balance the peaceful, determined energy of the Bull with the deep, dark emotions of the vengeful Scorpion. The full moon in Scorpio highlights extremes of behavior as intense feelings and “all or nothing” attitudes froth to the surface from below. Before we torch relationships and situations in the heat of the moment, we need to count to ten—put away the nuclear warheads—and find a middle ground toward peace.
Easy-going Taurus, ruling the 2nd house of security, self-esteem, things we value, is opposite passionate Scorpio ruling the 8th house of other peoples money, sex, death and transformation. The 8th house contains a Pandora’s box of powerful desires and personal demons. If we can embrace and manage our darkness, we will be gifted with the ability to transform from gray lizard to the majestic eagle (Scorpio’s true power animal), flying above the petty quarrels of the world to achieve peace, honor and glory.
Questions to ask at this lunar event are: What do we desire and are willing to commit to achieving with passionate intensity? What do we value that makes us feel most secure? How far are we willing to move out of our comfort zone to reach a cherished goal? Are we living an authentic life, doing work that feeds our soul and our passions? If the answer is no, NOW is a good time to find out what we need to feel ALIVE!
Neptune in Pisces and Jupiter in Virgo support this full moon, but also form a mutable T-square with Saturn, reminding us that the path to success must include dedication, belief in our abilities, service to others and compassion for all sentient beings—if it is to have lasting value. Our souls will not be satisfied with following the selfish desires of the ego alone, or living a life of complacency.
Mars, Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto are in retrograde motion with Mercury backing up at the end of April. We need to take time out to rest, recharge and review our goals before pushing too far ahead with plans. We can bring those plans to life later this summer and fall when planets start moving forward again!
Venus kissing Uranus in Aries can bring unexpected opportunities in love or money, boosting our charm and the courage to follow a spontaneous new path. Saturn sends a nod of approval to this union, adding longevity and stability while we work toward release from the secretive, manipulative grip of a powerful adversary (Pluto in Capricorn). Venus in square aspect to Pluto may bring betrayal or power struggles in relationships if we act from a place of unconsciousness. Honest communication and transparency are the way out of any tense situations we may encounter this month.
A Grand Earth Trine between Mercury, Jupiter and Pluto in April offers hope, wealth and easy opportunity, especially for those born under the sign of Taurus, Virgo or Capricorn. Don’t be sleeping in front of the TV when opportunity knocks this month!
Aries/Aries Rising
You are suddenly more charming as Venus merges with Uranus in your first house. The full moon in your 8th house of intimacy inspires you to make a move toward a deeper soul connection. A spiritual union with someone wise boosts your mood and self-esteem, helping you to feel more secure. Don’t let career duties or power struggles at work stand in the way of love this month.
Taurus/Taurus Rising
The full moon brings partnership issues to a head this month as secret feelings or relationships are suddenly revealed. Don’t fall victim to manipulation in service to a friend or group effort. Take off those rose-colored glasses or you will be spending too much on a friend or cherished project.
Gemini/Gemini Rising
The Scorpio full moon falls in your 6th house of health or work habits, bringing hidden agendas or health issues to the surface. Sudden upsets within a group or creative project may lead to power struggles over shared resources. Honoring your commitments may tame relationship fireworks, helping you to maintain work/life balance as you figure out your life’s direction.
Cancer/Cancer Rising
You are feeling emotional over a child or creative project this month as the full moon highlights your 5th house of fun and self-expression. Health issues may have you feeling tired or held down as you try to keep up with surprising developments in your career sector. Avoid power struggles by being willing to meet others halfway in negotiations.
Leo/Leo Rising
Work/life balance issues come to a head this month as the full moon falls in your 4th house of home and family. Pluto in the 6th helps you transform your health in powerful ways. A sudden relationship with someone older or from a different culture will have you thinking road trip this month! You may even be ready for a more serious or permanent commitment.
Virgo/Virgo Rising
Jupiter is trying to keep your hopes up while focusing on the details of a relationship situation. A romantic relationship will seem like an intense soul union as sparks fly from out of nowhere. Shake the fairy dust out of your eyes to get a true assessment of the relationship, or phone a trusted friend before getting intimate too soon. The full moon falling in your 3rd/9th house axis may firm up travel plans overseas or wrap up an educational program to enhance your skills.
Scorpio/Scorpio Rising
The full moon falls in YOUR SIGN Scorpio, bringing your emotions to the surface for all to see as relationship power struggles come to a head. Your communication style may be over the top with Pluto in your third house. Playing nice with neighbors, colleagues or close relatives help solve unexpected problems in a work or health situation. Expenses may curb your spending habits as Mars backs up to travel through your second house of money, teaming up with Saturn to bring you tough lessons in money management. You may get swept away by a romantic partner with Neptune in the 5th, just don’t give away the farm taking care of a needy or elusive loved one!
Sagittarius/Sagittarius Rising
You may be dealing with past relationship karma as the full moon highlights your 12th house of secrets, digging up some skeletons for review. An unexpected romance from out of the blue may have you thinking about what’s really important to your security and survival as Venus and Uranus dance in your 5th house. Expect major shifts as your earning ability and self-esteem gets rebuilt from the ground up. Your home can be your healing sanctuary when work gets overwhelming!
Capricorn/Capricorn Rising
You are close to achieving a long-wished for goal or romantic dream as your 11th and 5th houses are highlighted by the full moon. With Pluto in your first house, you are coming into your power. Don’t use a sledgehammer to crack a nut or you will stir up rebellion from a roommate or loved one. With Neptune in your 3rd house of communication, be clear when you speak or risk activating some bad boys hiding out in your 12th house. The enemy may even be yourself if you are not aware of self-sabotaging blind spots in your psyche. You may also spend money on house repairs as machinery or electrical wiring goes out unexpectedly.
Aquarius/Aquarius Rising
A career goal is highlighted with the full moon in your 10th house and may involve recognition through art, music, spirituality or film. You are torn between work and home life as Neptune helps dissolve a few long-term friendships or group associations freeing you follow a more enlightened path. As Pluto squares Venus conjunct Uranus in your house of communication, you may need to tear yourself away from a smothering, manipulative, person when sudden events or fireworks erupt with a neighbor or relative.
Pisces/Pisces Rising
The full moon in your 9th house brings completion to a communication project involving spirituality, higher education or foreign cultures. Networking with powerful groups or friends in high places may offer sudden opportunities to boost your status and income as Venus and Uranus bless your 2nd house of money. Science, technology, or the Internet are golden for you now — all your hard work and sacrifices in the name of service are about to pay off!