Full Moon in Gemini —
Revelations of truth, faith
and hope for the future.

Full Moon in GeminiThe Gemini moon will be full at 11:44 p.m. Universal Time (4:44 p.m. CT) on November 25, 2015. At 3˚ Gemini, the moon will oppose a stellium of planets in Sagittarius — the Sun, Saturn and Mercury. This full moon highlights the communication and belief sectors of the zodiac. Although we feel a strong need to talk about our feelings, with an opposition from Saturn, we may feel blocked or unable to get our message out. Are we afraid to speak our truth?

Critical thinking may take place at this time as we contemplate the reality of a situation. Our communication style may take on a more serious tone. Full moons usually bring things to light that were hidden from us at the new moon. What truths are being revealed at this time? How does this affect our beliefs and goals as we plan for the future? What barriers of fear or pessimistic thinking do we need to overcome? Are we being too critical?

The Sun, Moon, and Mercury join Saturn in a tense aspect to Neptune. Our dreams are getting a reality test. This aspect shows us what is working and what is not. Where have we been overly idealistic in pursuit of our goals? Are we having a crisis of faith in our dreams? This Saturn/Neptune reality test will occur several times during coming year. This is not a time to give up hope, but to look critically at our processes and make practical adjustments as needed. This is also a time of tying up loose ends. What has been left unfinished? What do we need to complete? What do we need to release? Do we need to learn more skills to achieve our goals? Where do we need to put in more effort?

Mars in Libra offers support to get us back into action, returning passion and motivation to our goals. In Libra, the call is to make love, not war. Warrior Mars is not happy in Libra, as he is comfortable being the lone wolf charging ahead of the pack. His warrior energy is diffused through the lens of peaceful Libra. Selfish agendas must fall to the wayside during this period. We must learn to collaborate with others as we work to achieve our goals. This is a time to lay down our weapons and work toward peace.

Abundant Jupiter is moving toward a conjunction to the North Node in Virgo, reminding us that our luck and destiny lies in service to something greater than the selfish needs of our ego.

Neptune in Pisces is calling us home, to connect with the divine within, to escape the harsh realities of the physical realm as we explore our most cherished dreams. Saturn in Sagittarius reminds us that nothing will manifest in the physical world without a practical plan, continued effort, and faith in our goals and abilities.

Now is the time to balance these energies with sincere service to others as we move forward in the year ahead!

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