Blood Moon Eclipse in Aries —
Find the balance between personal
fulfillment and the needs of others.

Full Blood Moon in AriesThis month’s full moon and total lunar eclipse shines its ruby light on balance and equality in relationships. The moon at 4 degrees Aries opposes the Sun in Libra on Monday, September 28th, 2:50 a.m. Universal Time (September 27th, 9:50 p.m. Central Time). With the moon in courageous Aries, we may be breaking new ground emotionally at this super charged moon. Our souls are crying out for change as we seek bold ways to get our deepest needs met.

The opposition from the Sun in peace-loving Libra and the North Node asks us to take the middle path, and consider the needs of others as well as our own in relationships. Impatient Mars in Virgo squaring authoritative Saturn warns us that this is not the time for ill-considered actions, childish temper tantrums, selfish behavior, or fighting over petty details. It’s perfectly fine to work toward and nurture our individual goals, but if we have been too critical, self-involved, focused only on our own needs, neglecting family and friends or taking loved ones for granted — this moon will balance the scales. People and situations that are no longer working may be removed from our lives at this time, which often happens during a full moon eclipse.

Messenger Mercury (still retrograde) and the North Node in Libra show us the path we must take to resolve any difficulties or misunderstandings in relationships. There is a need for honest, diplomatic communication, where we release our pride and the needs of our ego to actually hear what the other is saying. We must try to see both sides of an issue — adjusting our behavior to bring balance and fairness to a situation, making compromises if necessary to satisfy the needs of both parties. The words of musician John Lennon, a Libra, perfectly express the karmic lessons we must now learn, “The love you take is equal to the love you make!”

Freedom fighter Uranus supporting Venus in Leo may bring sudden surprises in love, money or creative expression. Life-changing Pluto now moving direct in Capricorn supports expansive Jupiter in Virgo, with an influence from Neptune. This can be a great time for powerful healing, transformation and abundance as metaphysical Neptune in Pisces helps dissolve any false beliefs that have been directing our lives from a place of unconscious programming.

Boundary-setting Saturn, in the early degrees of Sagittarius, forms a supportive aspect to the Sun and Moon. It is a wake-up call, where we see the reality of a troubled relationship or situation. This is not the time to rigidly hold on to our egocentric beliefs, but to break down any fear-based barriers to intimacy and reveal our true feelings and vulnerabilities. Our beliefs create our reality — what do we believe is possible? What personal beliefs must change to create more stability in our lives?

We are gifted with a powerful opportunity to make significant changes in the way we relate to others and our external world. We now have the choice to continue with our unconscious behavior, letting relationships and situations crumble under the weight of pride, anger, selfish injustice — or — take the higher path of peace, equality, love, forgiveness and compassionate understanding, as we bring transformation, healing and long-lasting improvement to our lives.

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