New Moon in Cancer—Break
Free to Find Love and Healing.

New Moon in CancerThe Moon joins the Sun at 23˚14’ Cancer on July 16th at 1:24 a.m. GMT. This maternal new moon asks us to find new ways to nurture ourselves and those we love. Have we been giving too much? Do we need to find a balance between what we give to others and what we do to nurture ourselves? Do we need to express our love in new ways?

Pluto in Capricorn opposing Mars and Mercury in Cancer warns us to choose our words carefully in negotiations—lest we overreact and launch verbal rockets of destruction. We must communicate our needs with honesty and sensitivity, and not try to get our way through verbal abuse, manipulation or passive aggression.

Saturn is forming a square to Venus and Jupiter, so love and money may be hard to come by unless we take our selves or our commitments seriously and get down to doing the work. This is not the time for blind optimism or taking on more than we can handle. Instead, we must get real and promise only what we are prepared to deliver.

Saturn in Scorpio and Chiron in Pisces form a Grand Water Trine to the Sun and Moon. Even difficult Lilith in Virgo is favorable to this new moon. This is a good time to explore the darkness within, confront our fears, and make meaningful changes. It is time to take responsibility for our actions, and own how our behavior contributes to our difficulties. How do we sabotage our dreams with unconscious behavior?

This can be a great time for expressing our emotions through creativity, or finding new ways of loving. Feelings will be very close to the surface. Saturn assures us that whatever we begin in earnest will be successful if we are willing to do the work. Chiron helps us to reveal our vulnerabilities, forgive and release the past—healing old wounds through compassionate self-expression as we strive to get the love we need.

Uranus in Aries is square to the Moon and Sun in Cancer—so expect the unexpected as we break free from past habits, people or situations we have been clinging to out of fear or a loss of security! It is time to find our warrior spirit, get out of our comfort zone and let go of the familiar as we forge adventurous new beginnings. Is it time to finally speak up, or take action that has been long overdue?

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