New Moon in Gemini —
Time to Communicate!
The new moon occurs on June 16, 2015, (15:05 GMT) in the sign of the Twins. “Ready-for-Action” Mars joins the Sun and Moon in Gemini to give us a BIG JOLT of adrenaline, demolishing our inertia as we race to begin something NEW. Impatient Mars energizes whatever he touches and his message for this month’s new moon is, “GO, GO, GO!”
“Communication Whiz” Mercury, ruler of Gemini, stopped backtracking last Thursday and is still coming out of his shadow—already we can feel that communication and technology snafus have lessened. We are now free to begin that communication, media or technology project; sign that contract; purchase electronics; tell our stories; connect with others and TALK, TALK, TALK!
As Mercury speeds up in Gemini, Neptune in Pisces moves in reverse to bring us clarity and a better grip on reality. The fog lifts when Neptune is in a retrograde period, helping us to see what has been tapping us gently from underneath the surface of our consciousness, what we have not been willing to face or accept — THE TRUTH — about our situations, ourselves and others!
Words That Heal
Youthful Gemini energy is all about skimming the surface, honoring our inner child, having fun doing a variety of things that interest us. “Wounded Healer, Shaman and Teacher” Chiron in Pisces forms a square to the new moon and opposes “Black Moon” Lilith, inviting us to go deeper, allowing our vulnerability to show as we confront our untamed darkness and our deepest wounds on the path to healing and light. Teacher Chiron and willful Lilith remind us that we need to first uncover our own darkness to heal ourselves, before instructing others to do the same. Communication, favored by the new moon in Gemini, can help us heal our deepest sorrows. What do we need to communicate at this time—and to whom?
Saturn has returned to the powerful sign of Scorpio at the 29th degree, reminding us to release our deepest fears while honoring our commitments and responsibilities as we face our final Karmic lessons during his last round in Scorpio. It’s “make it or break it” time! He will move into Sagittarius later this year, ending the lessons in Scorpio. When this inner work has been accomplished, only then may we embrace the full promise of this energetic NEW moon in Gemini.
Those with a Gemini Sun, Moon or Ascendant will really feel the punch of this new moon, but all members of the Zodiac will have an area of their life energized by an auspicious beginning.
Find out how and where this energy will touch your life this month, schedule a personal forecast with T!