New Moon Solar Eclipse in Pisces — Freedom from past karma brings refreshing change and a new path!

New Moon in PiscesA few minutes after the solar eclipse, the Moon merges with the Sun at 9:00 a.m. (CST) on Sunday, February 26, 2017, in the metaphysical sign of Pisces. The Sun and Moon in Pisces form a stellium with Neptune and the South Node as they oppose the North Node in Virgo, bringing a strong theme of karma, service and compassion to this lunation. We have cosmic blessings for anything we choose to initiate at this time.

Pisces and her ruler Neptune offer escape from the physical realm to merge with the divine through creativity, meditation, love, and spirituality. Neptune represents all things that exist outside the physical threshold of our awareness as she dissolves boundaries between reality and the dream state. She represents the bridge between our unconscious connection to the source of all creation and the illusion of duality brought about by the formation of the ego. We are learning how to dream a new world into being at this lunation.

The New Moon solar eclipse in Pisces brings an opportunity to connect with our inner divine guidance to discover what we must do to fulfill our karmic destiny in this life. What is our true karmic purpose? What do we need to do to get there? What has been holding us back from walking our true path? What do we need to release? How can we get back on track? What do we need to do feel more connected to others, to act with more compassion? What personal service have we been born into this realm to provide with our unique expression.

We can find answers to these questions by losing our “self” through meditation, creativity, spirituality, compassionate service, or anything that allows us to take a shamanic-like journey from the delusional state of separation to the divine realms of potentiality—where all are one and anything is possible. We come back with inspiration to work out the details as we map our path to a new dream.

Venus in Aries squares Pluto in Capricorn. This can bring up issues concerning intense love or power struggles in relationships. Mars confronts Uranus in a tight conjunction at 21 degrees Aries. Tired of repeating the same old worn out patterns, we are ready to fight for overdue change to bring on what we truly need. Courageous rebels Uranus and Mars send opposing energy to Jupiter in Libra as they form tense aspects with Pluto. Relationships of all types may be in the “cross-hairs” as volatile energy erupts to transform commitments for better or worse. Have we been too accommodating? Have we neglected our own needs in keeping the peace with others? We can heal any problems that may arise if we remember to act with compassion and kindness as we embrace change, instead of launching warheads of impatient aggression and anger.

If we know what we want at this New Moon, the urge to take action and break free is strong as impatient Mars activates rebellious Uranus in the pioneering sign of the Ram. Optimistic Jupiter in Libra may bring “over-the-top” confidence that cause us to take reckless chances, letting the “chips fall where they may” in relationships. Mars, strong in Aries, may bring sudden explosive actions or events that upset the status quo. We may be involved in a fight for freedom from those who have been abusing their power, or using subversive, manipulative tactics to control us.

The New Moon brings freedom from the past as we complete old karma, releasing our stories, attachments to people, and patterns of behavior that no longer serve us. If something is eclipsed from our lives at this time, we must let it go to move in new directions. We are called to begin a more authentic path of service that speaks to our special gifts and true desires. A path that brings new meaning to our lives and relationships.

Aries/Aries Rising

The New Moon eclipse in your twelfth house can help you find new ways to tackle hidden psychological blocks in areas where you may be your own worst enemy. Taking responsibility for your actions can help you to finally heal from the past. Your compassion operates under the radar as you seek a divine connection with source. You are feeling feisty with Mars and Uranus in your first house. With Pluto in your tenth house of status, sudden aggressive or rebellious behavior may cause problems with authority figures or within partnerships. Jupiter in your seventh house of commitments offers luck and expansion. Don’t be reckless — seek compromise instead!

Taurus/Taurus Rising

The New Moon can bring beginnings and/or endings within groups or friendships as it eclipses your eleventh house. You may be trying to separate fantasy from reality to determine what to keep in romance and close friendships. Artistic or creative endeavors are favored under the influence of Neptune, and you may begin to realize a long-held dream. You are suddenly released from a karmic obligation as Venus, Mars, and Uranus blast truths to the surface from your twelfth house of secrets. A behind the scenes romance may be more trouble that it is worth. Don’t hide your love or your anger—let it all out—but with compassion!

Gemini/Gemini Rising

New beginnings are possible in your career as the New Moon highlights your tenth house of status. You can excel in an innovative project that gives back to the community or helps make the world a better place. A creative project may lead to financial support from others or a windfall. Balancing romance, children and friendships may be needed as Jupiter in your fifth house squares off with Pluto and opposes the New Moon.

Cancer/Cancer Rising

Sudden surprises in your career may have you itching to fight over something important to your reputation. Someone at home is your cheerleader now and may encourage you to take action. You may decide to begin a training, or teaching program to advance in your career as the New Moon activates your ninth house of higher education. Review all contracts carefully and get a reality check from friends and loved ones before signing on the dotted line.

Leo/Leo Rising

You have an opportunity to confront some personal demons around money and intimacy as the New Moon eclipses your eighth house of transformation. You may be chomping at the bit to get out of town with Mars and Uranus in your ninth house of long distance travel. Romance with someone from a distance may also be a possibility with Venus there as well. Power struggles over a health or work issue with may erupt as Pluto moves into your sixth house of service. Communication or publishing matters are lucky for you with Jupiter in your third house. Neighbors or siblings will help you expand your worldview to global proportions.

Virgo/Virgo Rising

Sudden developments bring opportunities for new beginnings in love or business partnerships as the New Moon highlights your seventh house. You may meet a soul mate, or feel compassion for those less fortunate. Don’t try to save anyone or adopt a street urchin. With Neptune in your seventh house, you could be dealing with a few nebulous characters. You may argue over money with an intimate partner or make sudden ambitious moves to bring in more financial support as Mars and Uranus set off rockets in your eighth house. Venus and Jupiter can often bring abundance and wealth, but it goes right out again when unexpected expenses catch you off-guard!

Libra/Libra Rising

Saturn in your third house has been teaching you hard lessons as you try to communicate with siblings, neighbors and close relatives. You are learning to overcome fears about asking for what you need. If you are feeling tired of making sacrifices and taking care of everyone, the Solar Eclipse may free you from a karmic obligation. Venus, Mars and Uranus in your seventh house can bring money, new love, and reckless energy as you fight for freedom in relationships. Jupiter in your first house lends optimism and luck to your future plans.

Scorpio/Scorpio Rising

Romance, children or creative projects may be on your mind with the New Moon eclipse playing in your fifth house of fun. Unexpected developments at work may wake you from your reveries as Mars and Uranus shake up your sixth house. If you are tired of feeling over-worked and under-appreciated, you may finally decide to take long overdue action. Jupiter in your twelfth house brings luck from behind the scenes. Someone in your corner helps you realize what has been holding you back. A lucky break can free you from past karma, putting you on a new, more prosperous path.

Sagittarius/Sagittarius Rising

Your home has been your sanctuary as you contemplate your life direction. The New Moon in your fourth house favors meditation and quiet reflection. This helps you find and release childhood patterns, beliefs or behaviors from the past that no longer make sense. Your destiny lies in humble service to the community with the Virgo North Node now in your tenth house. An exciting development in a romantic partnership or creative project has you ready to rock and roll with optimism. Life is grand when your dreams start coming to life!

Capricorn/Capricorn Rising

The New Moon eclipse in your third house of communication may change relationships with neighbors and siblings as you find the courage to speak your truth. Higher education, teaching or learning can help you find your true calling. Mars and Uranus in your fourth house may shake up you home life as you renovate your living quarters or move to a better location. Venus brings power struggles to relationships as she tangles with powerful Pluto in your first house. You are wielding much power now so wield it wisely!

Aquarius/Aquarius Rising

The New Moon in your second house of money and values may have you dreaming up ways to increase your income and gain recognition in the process. Mars and Uranus crashing through your third house may bring sudden events involving transportation, communication, social media, or the “information highway.” Think before you speak and keep your eyes on the road or you may find yourself driving off a cliff as you jump to conclusions or act without proper planning. Remember… “Haste makes waste.” Publishing, teaching what you know, or learning additional skills brings luck and global expansion to your goals.

Pisces/Pisces Rising

This is YOUR NEW MOON ECLIPSE Pisces! You have an opportunity for a new beginning that changes the way you are seen in the world. You are now free to show your more compassionate side and share your intuitive gifts with others. Career matters and obligations have been demanding with Saturn in your tenth house. Conflict with a partner over money may come to a head as Venus, Mars and Uranus gang up in your second house of values and self esteem. Jupiter and Venus have been supporting your money houses, but an unplanned event may catch you by surprise requiring an outlay of cash. Your reputation for excellence will serve you well and may lead to an increase in salary, promotion, or financial support for all the hard work you have been doing lately.

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