Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Leo—
Recognition for work well done!
The Moon in royal Leo at 23 degrees opposes the Sun in socially conscious Aquarius at 6:33 p.m. (CST) on February 10, 2017. This Moon is also a Lunar Eclipse, making it more powerful than the typical Full Moon. A Full Moon often signals a time of culmination, when projects or relationships reach completion, bringing us to the next level or cycle. In Leo, we may enjoy being in the spotlight, reaping rewards for work well done, celebrating the completion of a project, or reaching a final stage in a relationship that either results in an ending or move to a new level of commitment. Energies to be balanced at this time involve stroking the needs of our ego, basking in recognition and applause for our unique talent (Leo) versus humbly working for the benefit of others and society (Aquarius). With Jupiter and Uranus in the mix, we may feel overwhelmed with unexpected developments and opportunities at this lunation.
Both the Sun in Aquarius and Moon in Leo are in favorable aspect to Saturn in Sagittarius, Uranus in Aries and Jupiter in Libra. The Full Moon is part of a Grand Fire Trine with Uranus and Saturn. We may gain sudden recognition for our unique talents—enjoying favorable results from dedication, commitment and hard work. If we have been doing all the right things, Uranus can bring unexpected opportunities to our career and relationships—with blessings from Saturn that can lead to lasting success and a rise in status.
“Happy-go-lucky” Jupiter in Libra, planet of increase and expansion, opposes Uranus in Aries at this lunation as he sends a favorable vibe to the Full Moon Eclipse. Sudden opportunities requiring quick action may pop up that will lead to abundance if we can “seize the day.” We may feel like breaking free of restraints to embrace something new, expanding our worldview and satisfying our need for adventure. Retrograde Jupiter is in favorable aspect to Saturn, so we will not act with reckless abandon. Instead, we will have an opportunity to take calculated risks aimed at getting us out of a rut. Saturn will also keep us grounded in reality, helping us to make wise choices as we bring greater stability to our lives.
Venus in Aries sends a bold embrace to Mercury in Aquarius so we may get the courage to reveal our love or express our creativity in unique and unexpected ways. As Venus struts closer to her “soul-mate” Mars, be ready for sparks to fly!
It’s time to break free and have some fun at the Leo Lunar Eclipse, so celebrate your accomplishments, share your love, and grab center stage under the party light of the Full Moon.
Aries/Aries Rising
A romance or dream may come to fruition with a little help from your friends as the Sun in your eleventh and Moon in your fifth house brings an unexpected ego boost! Your impatient need to rebel or fly your freak flag may make or break a relationship as Jupiter in your seventh ramps up Uranus in your first house. If a conservative friend is eclipsed from your life, don’t worry—Jupiter is working overtime to bring you luck in finding a better match. It’s time to either commit or walk away.
Taurus/Taurus Rising
Romantic sparks may fly from behind the scenes as Venus and Mars move closer together in your twelfth house of secrets. Surprising information may be revealed, causing you to want to break free from a current situation at home or work. Balancing home life and career may be challenging as the Full Moon activates your tenth and fourth houses. A career opportunity requiring quick action may come from “out of the blue” that could bring stability and an increase in salary.
Gemini/Gemini Rising
The Lunar Eclipse falling across your third/ninth house axis brings a publishing or communication project to completion. Celebrate your success with friends and family. Unexpected opportunities may develop that allow you to express your creativity in a unique way. A dream becomes reality as Jupiter and Uranus activate your fifth/eleventh house axis. The sky is the limit as you form long-term partnerships that help you navigate the road to success and recognition.
Cancer/Cancer Rising
Venus, Mars and Uranus can bring romance and other surprises to your life path as they move through your tenth house of status. Sparks may fly with a co-worker. Jupiter can help you find the perfect living arrangement if house hunting or expanding an existing home. All your hard work gets rewarded unexpectedly as Saturn in your sixth sends a favorable wave to Uranus in your tenth. The Lunar Eclipse shines a light on values, self worth and intimacy issues. You can make progress with both if you are willing to confront your demons and do some inner work. It’s time to break out of your cocoon and learn to fly.
Leo/Leo Rising
This is YOUR FULL MOON ECLIPSE Leo! You may be feeling emotional as the Full Moon Eclipse brings revelations about marital or business partnerships. You may take a relationship to the next level or decide to walk away. If you have been too self-involved, a partner may be eclipsed from your life. Children or romantic partners may weigh you down or feel burdensome with Saturn in your fifth house. If you have been all work and no play, making more time for fun restores peace and harmony to relationships. Hard work on a creative project finally leads to recognition at this Full Moon. The urge to travel or learn new tech skills may be on the agenda as Uranus travels through your ninth house of higher education. Communication, writing or teaching is lucky for you as Jupiter visits your third house of communication.
Virgo/Virgo Rising
Communication is the key to resolving psychological issues that may float to the surface as the Full Moon highlights your twelfth/sixth house axis. Venus, Mars and Uranus in your eighth house of intimacy bring unexpected support or deep feelings to the surface as you confront your inner demons. You can break free from childhood blocks that have kept you from bonding on a deep level with a lover as Saturn in the fourth sends support to Uranus in the eighth. Jupiter in your second house of values brings abundance, but don’t over spend. Opportunities to earn more money or gain financial support from others may arrive when you least expect it.
Libra/Libra Rising
Friendships, children and romantic relationships put you in the spotlight bringing fun back into your life as the Full Moon plays with your eleventh/fifth house axis. A dream may be realized at this time. Jupiter in your first house increases your need for freedom as he connects with Uranus in your seventh house of long-term partnerships. Love is on the horizon this month as Venus in Aries snuggles up to Mars in your seventh house giving you the courage to fight for what you most desire. You can charm the pants off anyone with this energy, but don’t come on too strong!
Scorpio/Scorpio Rising
Your career and home life are in the spotlight as the Lunar Eclipse lights up your tenth/fourth house axis. Your excellent work may bring recognition and a change in status. Unexpected developments with co-workers may bring secrets out of the closet, making things appear larger than life, as Jupiter in your twelfth house of hidden enemies shoots a straight arrow at Uranus in your sixth house of work and service. Don’t overreact—this too shall pass!
Sagittarius/Sagittarius Rising
Higher education, teaching, spirituality and/or publishing bring you recognition as the world notices your special skills. You may be writing for a charitable cause or social initiative with the Sun and Mercury in your third house of communication. Friendships or group endeavors bring luck to you as Jupiter visits your eleventh house. One of them may help you achieve a long-held dream or goal. Uranus, Venus and Mars in your fifth house can bring sudden developments in love or opportunities to express your creativity in a brand new way.
Capricorn/Capricorn Rising
Your special talents or expertise can bring financial reward plus an increase in salary and self-worth as the Full Moon triggers your money houses. One source of income may come to an end, but better prospects may be just around the corner. Jupiter in your tenth house brings luck and unexpected career opportunities as he opposes Uranus in your fourth house of home. You may move to a new location or start a home-based business. Prepare for sudden change and opportunity!
Aquarius/Aquarius Rising
The Full Moon in your first/seventh house axis can bring changes within partnerships as surprising information is revealed. This can be an emotional time for even you Aquarius as the Lunar Eclipse rocks your relationship world. Your power lies in your confident, independence and your intuitive ability to think outside the box for solutions. Sudden opportunities may arrive that involve technology, higher education, teaching, or publishing as Jupiter at home in your ninth house sends a signal to your ruling planet Uranus in the third house of communication. Venus and Mars in your third house may even bring an unexpected romantic connection with a courageous soul. Get out and mingle with the locals!
Pisces/Pisces Rising
You gain recognition for your compassionate service and dedication to those less fortunate, but secrets may be revealed when the Full Moon activates your sixth and twelfth houses. A co-worker may be eclipsed from your life at this lunation if you have been careless or insensitive in your communication style. Jupiter in your eighth house can bring financial opportunities your way and as he connects with Uranus in your second house, you may receive a sudden windfall or insurance payout that helps pay down that stack of bills. Venus in your second house can also bring in extra money, but it goes right out again with Mars triggering expenses. Karmic Saturn can bring a rise or fall in status as he transits your tenth house of career. It all depends on how you’ve been playing the game. Either way, you get what you deserve.
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