New Moon in Scorpio—Emotional
discussions trigger new ways of being
as we fulfill our karmic purpose.

New Moon in ScorpioThe Sun and Moon bond at 12:38 p.m. (CDT) on Sunday, October 30, 2016, where they also meet with communicator Mercury, forming a stellium in the sign of the Scorpion. Scorpio is comfortable with intensity—peeking beneath the veil to confront truths even if doing so reveals unpleasant facts hiding beneath the rocks of polite smiles and superficiality. One of the more fearless signs, the Scorpion has immense courage and strength when confronting the darkness within—possessing the ability to rise “phoenix-like” from the depths of despair toward personal transformation and greatness.

Likewise, this will be a powerful time for us to journey within to discover true feelings, personal demons and hidden desires. Our thoughts run deep with Mercury in Scorpio. We have an opportunity to powerfully express ourselves with the courage of our convictions at this time.

New moons are beneficial for new starts, and we are blessed with favorable cosmic weather to begin a successful journey toward personal transformation. We can create new paths that serve our inner desires, moving from half-hearted, ill-fitting roles plagued with boredom and complacency toward situations where we are free to express our divinely inspired gifts with passionate intensity. Bringing truths to the table, we can work toward solutions that will release us from limiting circumstances so that we may embrace more authentic paths.

The New Moon is also in favorable aspect to Neptune in Pisces and the North Node currently in Virgo. Neptune—strong in Pisces—supports any new starts that involve spirituality, compassionate service, and creative expression. Neptune can also bring illusion or deception, as appearances may be deceiving. However, with Mercury in Scorpio allowing us to see beneath the surface with “eagle-eye” precision, we are less likely to be fooled by any “pie-in-the-sky” promises or “snake oil” proposals.

The karmic North Node in meticulous Virgo helps us find a way out of any confusion and encourages us to follow a divinely inspired path of humble service, where we may work together to create healthier personal habits and lifestyles that contribute to the future health of humanity.

Loving Venus, at 15 degrees Sagittarius, conjuncts serious Saturn and they both trine Uranus at 21 degrees Aries. This may be a time where we recognize hard truths about relationships, finances or earning abilities. We may have some limitations to work through and need to rethink our goals along more realistic lines. We may be seeking stability and commitment in relationships or more financial security. With Uranus in the mix, sudden realizations may cause us to jump into action, creating unique and innovative solutions that free us from limiting beliefs, lifestyles, and/or relationships.

Jupiter in Libra promotes peace, diplomacy and justice for all as it forms a harsh aspect to Pluto in Capricorn, representing rigid conservatism and the “behind-the-scenes” manipulative agendas of powerful groups. Pluto rules Scorpio, so the New Moon in Scorpio offers us an opportunity for powerful new beginnings as old, worn-out systems crumble. We have support from the cosmos to rebuild and rise above the chaos to embrace a more enlightened way of being—where all are honored and respected as we find our true calling in the ever-changing landscape of creation.

Aries/Aries Rising

You may have some serious conversations about money with others as the New Moon falls in your eighth house of intimacy and shared resources. The time is ripe for transforming self-destructive habits, and fulfilling obligations or agreements you have made with partners. Confronting and releasing your inner demons will set you on a healthier path. Mars in your tenth house of career and status may cause tension or the need for sudden action as he tangles with Uranus in your first house of self-expression. Don’t burn bridges with reckless abandon!

Taurus/Taurus Rising

The New Moon highlights your seventh house of partnerships, causing you to see both business and personal relationships in a new light as sensitive topics are discussed. A serious discussion with a loved one or business partner can bring a dream to fruition and set you on a more fulfilling life path. You realize certain cold truths about money and commitment with Venus and Saturn coming together in your eighth house of sex, death and transformation. Are you ready to get serious and take action that leads to a better financial situation?

Gemini/Gemini Rising

The New Moon and Mercury falling in your sixth house of service may have you discussing sensitive topics around employment or health issues. Sudden developments may have you questioning your life direction or goals as Neptune travels through your tenth house and Mars in your eighth house of transformation triggers Uranus in your eleventh house of friendship, hopes and dreams. Relationships take a serious turn as Venus flies by Saturn in your seventh house, forcing you to face reality and act responsibly.

Cancer/Cancer Rising

You may be feeling more romantic and/or intuitive as the New Moon in your fifth house of children/creative self-expression activates Neptune in your ninth house of higher education. Releasing intense emotions or psychic impressions through romance, art or creativity may lead you to your karmic mission. Co-workers seem more cooperative as Venus travels through your sixth house. Avoid power struggles and reckless behavior as Mars travels though your seventh house of partnerships setting off “surprise-a-minute” Uranus in your tenth house. Unexpected developments may affect your career and status in the community.

Leo/Leo Rising

Meaningful communication with family members is possible as the New Moon activates your fourth house of home and hooks up with Mercury. Neptune in your eighth house may dissolve or confuse issues around resources you were counting on receiving from others. Romance with someone older or younger may develop as Venus and Saturn visit your fifth house of love and creativity. Acting responsibly may cement a relationship, especially if you consider the needs of others and are willing to compromise.

Virgo/Virgo Rising

You and a soul mate may be able to communicate without words as the New Moon in your third house sends a favorable wave to Neptune in your seventh house of partnerships. Putting down roots and beautifying your nest is on the agenda as Venus and Saturn travel through your fourth house of home. Unexpected moves from a lover can transform your life and free you from an oppressive situation.

Libra/Libra Rising

Confronting deep-seated insecurities around money and self-worth can transform your earning ability as the New Moon falls in your second house of values. A partner’s sudden actions may disrupt your home life as Mars in your fourth attacks Uranus in your seventh house of partnerships. Don’t engage in power struggles. Jupiter in your first house brings positive energy to your entire year.

Scorpio/Scorpio Rising

This is YOUR NEW MOON Scorpio—and all the planets are lining up to wish you a happy birthday! The Sun, Moon and Mercury trine Neptune in your fifth house can bring deep conversations with a dream lover. With Mars and Pluto in your third house forming an angry link to Uranus in your eighth, you may need to have some serious talks with relatives or siblings about money or an inheritance. Unexpected expenses may pop up, but Venus in your second house gives you a boost in salary to help pay the bills.

Sagittarius/Sagittarius Rising

You are a beautifully charming yet serious workaholic with Venus and Saturn in your first house of appearances. The New Moon and Mercury in your twelfth house of secrets may have you communing with your psyche instead of socializing. This is a good time to discover and discuss any personal blind spots that may have been holding you back. You may choose to retreat and recharge at home or near the sea with Neptune mesmerizing your fourth house of home.

Capricorn/Capricorn Rising

The New Moon in your eleventh house can bring a dream to the next level and promote deep connections with friends or social groups. A sibling or neighbor may seem too good to be true—look closely at the facts. Saturn and Venus in your twelfth house may bring the “wake-up call” of reality to a secret or hidden relationship. Clear out what is no longer working. Your destiny lies in higher education, long distance travel, and/or spirituality.

Aquarius/Aquarius Rising

The New Moon and Mercury in your tenth house has you celebrating your success with a media or communication project. Your creativity is off the charts and may bring financial rewards. Continuing education or teaching may help you cement a goal as Jupiter in your ninth house supports Saturn in your eleventh house of friendship, hopes and wishes. Venus in your eleventh brings in more money from the job or a business you own. Mars in your twelfth may stir up conflict or power struggles with a sibling or neighbor. Don’t react from a place of unconsciousness or resort to passive aggression.

Pisces/Pisces Rising

You may be planning a long-distance trip or beginning a new educational project as the New Moon and Mercury visit your ninth house of higher education and expanded horizons. Your mind is ready to embrace other dimensions or deeper spiritual concepts. Intuition and healing abilities get a boost from the New Moon in favorable aspect to Neptune in your first house. Venus and Saturn in your tenth house of career may bring lasting success and recognition to a creative project.

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