New Moon in Sagittarius—
Embrace change to
explore new horizons!

New Moon in SagittariusThe Moon partners with the Sun at 7 degrees in the sign of the Archer on November 29, 2016, 6:18 a.m. (CT). The New Moon in adventurous Sagittarius forms a square aspect to Neptune and the South Node in Pisces. It also forms a square aspect to the North Node in Virgo. What does this mean for us as a global community?

Sagittarius rules the ninth house of spiritual beliefs, higher education, long distance travel and foreign cultures. Metaphysical Neptune often adds glamour, deception or confusion to anything it touches, weakening boundaries and dissolving anything that prevents us from merging with the divine. A T-square involving Neptune and the nodes may challenge us to examine our personal belief systems and what we have been taught to accept as reality. We are called to discover the best way to serve others without becoming victimized in the process.

The South Node offers information about our karmic past—where we have been, and lessons learned throughout many lifetimes. The South Node in Pisces reminds us that we have emerged from the watery consciousness of non-physical reality to experience the duality and challenges of separation as we explore our unique divine sparks through the power of ego. The North Node in Virgo points the way to our karmic destiny—where we are headed as a collective group of souls experiencing the physical realm on planet Earth. Virgo teaches us to use critical thinking as we offer humble service to humanity. Virgo also rules healers and healing. We may be called to heal the problems of the world using the Virgo trademark strengths of service, precision and purity of purpose.

Venus in Capricorn in difficult aspect to Uranus in Aries and Jupiter in Libra challenges us to break free of any barriers or fears that prevent us from expressing our love to create nurturing, long-lasting bonds with those dear to us. Mars in Aquarius, in favorable aspect to Jupiter in Libra, supports our desire to break free of old, worn-out patterns in our relationships—embracing change as we forge partnerships that bring abundance and expansion to our goals, group efforts or social causes. Saturn and Mercury in Sagittarius are in favorable aspect to Uranus in Aries. Revolutionary changes in our thinking, ways of being and communicating have the potential to bring lasting stability and structure to our lives and relationships.

The goal of Sagittarius and the ninth house is to help broaden our horizons as we embrace other cultures and belief systems, learning and expanding our knowledge through experiences that take us away from the security of the known. At this lunation, we have the potential to welcome new beginnings that dissolve barriers of fear and dogmatic “us versus them” concepts. The way to solve any problems involving differences of opinion, beliefs and cultural patterns is through communication—the gift of Gemini. With dialog and a willingness to compromise and learn, we create opportunities that help us break down any divisive walls built by fear and a scarcity mentality to embrace our rich global cultural diversity with openness and curiosity—expanding our group consciousness, building bridges of peace, and working together as a global family to create a better world for all.

Aries/Aries Rising

The New Moon falling in your ninth house can bring changes to your thinking and/or spiritual beliefs. You may be thinking of traveling to foreign lands or expanding your horizons by learning new skills. Confusion about a health or psychological problem may bring the need to travel out of your comfort zone for a solution. Friendships or group efforts can bring abundance and financial support to your dreams just when you need it!

Taurus/Taurus Rising

The New Moon in your eighth house of shared resources may bring new ways to gain financial support through friendship or creative projects. Deception or confusion over money may bring challenges to a romantic relationship. Clear communication can help avoid misunderstandings. Mars in your tenth house boosts your career and status as you are energized to embrace new technologies. The “devil may be in the details,” but overcoming any challenges will put you on a new path to prosperity and increased financial security.

Gemini/Gemini Rising

New beginnings in relationships may hit a few snags as the Moon activates your seventh house of partnerships. Careful communication can help resolve any confusion or problems with coworkers or at home. Venus and Pluto in your eighth house can bring support to help resolve unexpected technical challenges involving a group project. Don’t engage in power struggles. Mars in your ninth house energizes a publishing project as it sends a favorable wave to abundant Jupiter in your fifth house of creativity.

Cancer/Cancer Rising

The New Moon in your sixth house may have you thinking of innovative ways to tackle an ongoing health or work issue. Work-related stress may be a part of the problem—don’t take on more than you can handle! Pluto and Venus traveling through your seventh house may transform your relationships, both romantic and professional. Uranus in your tenth in a tense aspect to Venus in your seventh may bring an unconventional romance your way. Think twice before getting into something that may affect long-term partnerships, your status at work or in the community. Mars in your eighth house of transformation may increase spending as he energizes you to tackle home expansion projects.

Leo/Leo Rising

Beginnings with a current or new romantic partner, child or creative project may expand your horizons as the New Moon highlights your fifth house. Saturn in your fifth has not made things easy, but the pay-off will be worth the work. Confusion over shared resources may challenge your financial security and cause you to do some re-thinking about how to manage your money. Unexpected developments may affect travel plans or a work project as Venus in your sixth challenges Uranus in your ninth house.

Virgo/Virgo Rising

You may think you are sacrificing too much in a relationship as you work to create a new home environment. With Neptune in your seventh house of partnerships, “all that glitters may not be gold.” Mars in the sixth has you working hard for the money as he activates Jupiter in your second house of security. Money may flow out as quickly as it flows in. An intense romance activates issues around power, intimacy and betrayal as Venus and Pluto in your fifth house square off with Uranus in your eighth house of transformation. Sudden developments may come out of left field and take you by surprise.

Libra/Libra Rising

You initiate new ways of relating to siblings, neighbors, and close relatives as the New Moon highlights your third house of communication. Long distance travel may take your mind off a confusing health issue that may be affecting a loved one. You may go overboard strutting your stuff as Mars activates your fifth house of romance and sends positive vibes to Jupiter in your first house. Power struggles may erupt at home as Venus and Pluto in your fourth house challenges Uranus in your seventh house. Unexpected upsets within partnerships may occur if one of you wants more freedom to explore new horizons.

Scorpio/Scorpio Rising

The New Moon supports exploring adventurous ways to make money as it travels through your second house. It’s time to get out of your comfort zone to discover new opportunities. Be careful of deception from a lover or child as the moon touches Neptune in your fifth house of romance and creativity. Power struggles over money may occur over a work project that has suddenly gone off the rails. Mars traveling through your fifth house may bring a sexy, yet unconventional romance your way.

Sagittarius/Sagittarius Rising

This is YOUR NEW MOON Sagittarius! It’s time to spread your wings and fly. Problems at home, possibly involving water, may bring challenges as you try to follow a new career path. Venus and Pluto in your second house bring wealth as they aspect Jupiter in your house of friendship and groups. Sudden developments from Uranus in your fifth house may bring power struggles over a creative project. You may be shooting from the hip as Mars transits your third house of communication. Choose your words carefully or risk shocking friends, neighbors and relatives with unexpected over-the-top outbursts!

Capricorn/Capricorn Rising

You appear sexy, powerful and mysterious as Venus and Pluto transit your first house. You may need to rest and recharge as the New Moon activates your twelfth house of privacy. You may be working behind the scenes on a communication project that will eventually lead to your true karmic path as the Moon activates Neptune and the nodal axis. Mars in the second sends favorable vibes to Jupiter in your tenth house of status and recognition. New technology has you energized as you work to explore a career path that will lead to abundance and possibly unconventional living or working arrangements as Uranus transits your fourth house of home.

Aquarius/Aquarius Rising

Adventurous beginnings help you explore new goals as the Moon blesses your eleventh house of friendship, groups and wishes. Remember to get everything in writing to avoid confusion or deception when mixing money with friendship. With Neptune in your second house of income, you can’t be too clear! Mars in your first house boosts energy and drive as you take on a publishing project that may reach global proportions. A secret romance with an intense or unconventional person may shock neighbors and relatives as Venus and Pluto in your twelfth house of secrets challenges Uranus in your third house. Expect the unexpected.

Pisces/Pisces Rising

Your career and status experience refreshing winds of change as the New Moon camps out in your tenth house. You may explore a new career path that takes you out of your comfort zone and allows you to embrace new beliefs or cultures. Neptune in your first house enhances your visionary leadership or healing abilities, but your karmic destiny points to partnerships that focus on humble service to the community. Sudden fluctuations in earnings may have you questioning your goals, friendships, or group associations. With Jupiter bringing abundance and expansion to your eighth house of shared resources, a shortage of funds may only be temporary. Hold onto that dream!

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