Full Super Moon in Aries—
Volatile energies may trigger revolution
as sudden truths are revealed.
The Full Moon at 23 degrees in the sign of the warrior opposes the Sun in peaceful Libra at 11:24 p.m. (CDT) on October 15, 2016. Freedom-loving Uranus in courageous Aries joins the Moon adding rebellious, unpredictable energy to our relationship axis at this high-octane Super Moon. The challenge is to satisfy the impatient, restless demands of the ego while respectfully honoring agreements we have made with others as we work toward a just and balanced outcome.
Full Moons usually bring situations to a head or completion, exposing truths and bringing information to light from behind the veil. Revolutionary Uranus in the mix is like Forrest Gump’s box of chocolates—“You never know what you’re going to get!” This could indicate a time of surprising news, events, or behavior emerging from “left field” within business partnerships or committed relationships.
Messenger Mercury in Libra is in tense aspect to aggressive Mars and secretive Pluto, both in Capricorn. Mars and Pluto coming together can be a volatile combination triggering reckless action, anger, arguments, violence and even war. Mercury in square aspect may cause us to say things in the heat of the moment that we later regret, or filtering through Libra, speak with “forked tongue” as we try to please everyone. In a positive light, Mars, Uranus and Pluto may ignite fierce tension that drives us to break free from oppressive situations or relationships that are not in our best interests. The proverbial camel’s back may break under the weight of a feather at this lunation.
With a favorable aspect from Mars and Pluto to the North Node in Virgo, this battle cry for freedom may be part of our karmic destiny as we transform outworn methods and behaviors to establish more effective ways of thinking and being. Jupiter in Libra, connecting favorably with Saturn in Sagittarius, has the ability to summon “Angels of Abundance and Optimism” if we choose to create stable foundations built on collaboration, compassion and justice for all.
Aries/Aries Rising
This is YOUR Full Moon Aries! Impulsive behavior may stir up conflict with authority figures or partners as the Full Moon activates your first and seventh house axis. Choose your words carefully as Mercury activates Mars and Pluto in your tenth house of career or you may provoke anger or attacks from authority figures. Aiming this powerful energy toward hard work will result in success and recognition, not warfare. Think before you speak!
Taurus/Taurus Rising
You may finally break free from a karmic obligation, servitude or blocks to success as the Full Moon activates your twelfth and sixth house axis of psychological blind spots and healing. Venus in your seventh brings harmony to relationships if you choose diplomacy over aggression. Mars and Pluto in your ninth house challenge you to move out of your comfort zone to expand your options or learn new skills. Nothing can stop a determined bull once the red flag has been brandished.
Gemini/Gemini Rising
An innovative group project involving a dream, goal or social cause may come to fruition as the Full Moon activates your Eleventh/Fifth house axis. Technology helps you reach a wider audience with a teaching, publishing or spiritual endeavor. Pluto and Mars in your eighth house can bring power struggles over shared resources and conflicts with children, lovers or creative projects. Keep your cool and don’t say something you may later regret if someone pushes your buttons.
Cancer/Cancer Rising
Surprising developments involving your career status may cause you to think out of the box when finding ways to balance work and home life as the Full Moon triggers your tenth and fourth houses. You may be slaving away at work with Saturn in your sixth house, but it will pay off in a few years, so don’t give up. Pluto and Mars in the seventh may bring fireworks or passion to your relationships. Don’t succumb to bullying behavior—try to find a workable compromise when communicating with loved ones.
Leo/Leo Rising
Communication and publishing projects are highlighted at this Full Moon. Revolutionary ideas involving higher education or spirituality can bring surprising results, helping you reach a global audience. Technology or social media can help you get your message out to the masses. Pluto and Mars in your sixth house may trigger a health or psychological issue forcing you to commit to a healthier lifestyle. Saturn in your fifth adds stability to romance and creativity as it aspects Mercury in your third house. Use diplomacy when communicating with lovers or children.
Virgo/Virgo Rising
Surprising developments involving shared resources and income may catch you off-guard as the Full Moon activates your eighth/second house axis. Mars joining Pluto in your fifth house can trigger intense, passionate romantic encounters—make love, not war! Compromise will help you avoid arguments if loved ones are not on board with your “money-making” ideas or communication style. Jupiter in your second house expands your earning potential, but avoid extravagant shopping sprees.
Libra/Libra Rising
The Full Moon can trigger surprising behavior from partners as truths are revealed in personal or professional relationships. Mars and Pluto in your fourth house may launch a crises or heated arguments that transform your home environment. Speak with care and try to compromise to avoid conflict. You may need to have a serious talk with close relatives with Saturn in your third house. Keep the peace when discussing controversial topics by agreeing to disagree.
Scorpio/Scorpio Rising
A health or work crises may take you by surprise as the Full Moon activates your sixth house. You may feel like retreating from the world to rest and recharge with the Sun in your twelfth house. Pluto and Mars may trigger conflict with relatives and neighbors as they camp out in your third house of communication. Keep your thoughts to yourself and speak only if you are spoken to at this lunation. With Venus in your first house, you may be able to charm your way out of any conflicts at this time. Saturn in the second has you seriously thinking about values, income and self-worth as expenses rise.
Sagittarius/Sagittarius Rising
Unexpected developments involving a romance or creative project may produce surprises with the Full Moon in your fifth house. You may learn something revealing about a rebellious child or lover with Uranus in the mix. The Sun, Jupiter and Mercury in your eleventh house bring a hope or dream to fruition as you work with others on a group project. Mars and Pluto in your second house spark aggressive, passionate energy as you are driven to increase your income and self worth. Don’t let friends or groups you belong to push your buttons or draw you into volatile arguments over controversial beliefs. Quietly follow your soul path, teaching by example.
Capricorn/Capricorn Rising
Be careful how you express yourself with Pluto and Mars in your first house or you may trigger attacks from colleagues at work who feel threatened by your confidence. You are wielding powerful energy at this time. You may experience sudden, erratic behavior from persons connected with your home life as the Full Moon connects with Uranus in your fourth house. Your sense of security may be affected if you are forced to change your residence to take advantage of a sudden career opportunity. Hidden childhood issues or insecurities may be revealed at this time. The Sun, Mercury, and Jupiter boost your status in the community as they light up your tenth house of career. Saturn moving through your twelfth house of self-undoing helps you clear out what is no longer working—including any self-limiting beliefs and feelings of inadequacy.
Aquarius/Aquarius Rising
Uranus connects with the Full Moon in your third house to reveal unexpected truths involving neighbors, siblings or close relatives. The Sun, Jupiter and Mercury in your ninth house help you gain recognition as you focus on teaching or communication projects. Mars and Pluto in your twelfth house may connect you with powerful people who like to manipulate others from behind the scenes. Don’t discuss controversial topics or fight a losing battle with those more powerful than you—rise above repressed rage over petty conflicts to focus on a higher cause instead. You may also use this volatile energy to transform any psychological blind spots that have been holding you back from success.
Pisces/Pisces Rising
You may finally see the light about what is most important in your life as the Full Moon and Uranus connect in your second house. This can cause unexpected fluctuations in your earning ability or sudden rebellion when you demand what you are worth. The Sun, Mercury and Jupiter help you gain financial support from others as they travel through your eighth house. Conflicts may arise with friends or groups while working together for a common cause as Mars and Pluto activate your eleventh house. Arguments over financial support or shared resources may have you butting heads on the best way to proceed with a goal. Choose your words carefully to avoid conflict.
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